Jack Robinson, Isabel Nichols and the Mid Year Cut

Jack Robinson, Isabel Nichols and the Mid Year Cut
Barrelled Surf Podcast
Jack Robinson, Isabel Nichols and the Mid Year Cut

May 12 2022 | 02:00:31

Episode 83 • May 12, 2022 • 02:00:31

Hosted By

Adam Kennedy Andrew Bromley Tyron Youlden

Show Notes

Huge Margies, massive drama. Tears, tanties and ten foot plus sets!

We wrap it all up with Wozzle Judge Micky Plowman. 

There is also the return of Bronte's Beat, the Clive Palmer Cup and the Steve Irwin Salute.

Get in there Flegends!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 How are AIE. Speaker 1 00:00:02 Oh, I'm pretty good, mate. How are you? Namu I'm Speaker 0 00:00:04 A little bit sad today. Azzie Speaker 1 00:00:05 Oh, you're a bit sad, mate. What's going on little Speaker 0 00:00:07 Bit sad. Yeah. I, uh, I've just been watching that. Do you remember that old documentary? It's like a movie as well. I think it's called gorillas in the MIS with Diane Fosse that, you know, the gorilla Speaker 1 00:00:17 Expert. Yeah. Yeah. I remember that one. Yeah. She went and lived in the Congo or something with the, with the Speaker 0 00:00:21 Big, Speaker 1 00:00:21 Yeah. Yeah. With the silver back gorillas. Yeah. Why, what happened Speaker 0 00:00:24 Just a bit sad, mate. Just the environmental destruction that's happening around our planet and that's a fairly good indicator of all the, all the bad stuff that is happening, mate. So Speaker 1 00:00:33 Gorillas are losing their habitat. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:00:35 Yeah. And you know, because we, because we enjoy a cheeky monkey beer, the whole gorilla thing just got me a little bit upset, Speaker 1 00:00:41 Mate. All right. Well, mate, I've got something that might put a bit of, uh, bounce back in your step, mate. What Speaker 0 00:00:47 The scripts back in my step, what do you mean? Speaker 1 00:00:49 Well, mate, uh, cheeky monkey beer have bought out their annual Silverback, Russian Imperial stout age, six months in red wine barrels. It's an absolute pole terror of a stout what's oh, no. Mate comes in at 12%. Oh my goodness. Uh, you can't even get it in a can. It's such a special release that, uh, you get it in a wine bottle that has a handmade wax seal off the, off the, uh, on the lid there, mate, bloody, bloody dark, and mate, you know what, what let's crack one open right now we can become gorillas in the pit, on the gorillas, on the piss gorillas on the piss Go cheeky monkey. Speaker 0 00:01:25 No cheeky monkey. So as you, I think, you know, I've talked to you a little bit about this and I've mentioned on the podcast a little bit, the athletic grains. So you're on the athletic greens program. Aren't yeah, Speaker 1 00:01:35 I did mate. Yep. Courtesy of, uh, a good mate DJ Namu over here who lined up some athletic greens as one of our sponsors and yeah, we got kited out proud Speaker 0 00:01:45 Partner, Speaker 1 00:01:45 Proud partner. Um, yeah, mate, and look, I've got absolutely no issues with, uh, starting my morning routine with a, um, jar of athletics green. And I don't know if it was coincidence or not, but, uh, the first month that I had it, uh, the young kids and the misses all came down with something, it, it wasn't COVID, but they came down with some other, uh, primary school disease that gets around and, um, they would, they were knocked down pretty hard. And, uh, mate, I don't know if I, I didn't get sick at all. I was just feeling strong and healthy and you know, I was strong like a bull and yeah, mate. So I don't know. I'm like, uh, yeah, it's one of those things. It's hard to put your finger on exactly. You know what it's doing, but I, I felt good that whole month. And um, yeah. Speaker 0 00:02:31 Do you have any, any other sort of supplements or anything like that? Speaker 1 00:02:34 No, just beer and wine. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:02:36 They're pretty good supplements. Speaker 1 00:02:36 Yeah, they're good. But they're my nighttime supplements, so yeah, mate. Um, yeah, I really like it. And then sometimes I don't have a, don't have a, uh, breakfast before I go for a surf. I just, you know, I like to do a Doy in the dark and get up. And so I just quickly shake one of them up and gives me a bit of, uh, gives me a bit of energy and, and makes me feel good in the body and good in the brain. You know, Speaker 0 00:02:55 Sometimes when you have breaky before a Dorn, you, you feel a bit foolish of it anyway, don't you? So, yeah, Speaker 1 00:02:59 That's it. So, nah, mate, I can't see, uh, I can't see why you wouldn't have a go. Speaker 0 00:03:03 Yeah, well that's what I reckon. Um, so I did mention it before about trying to take control of your health ads and, uh, get on the athletic greens program, athletic greens.com/barrel. Is that the code? I think it is. Yes it is. Yeah. Yeah. So if you do that, you get a whole bunch of, um, additional little bonuses Speaker 1 00:03:19 Bonus pack. Speaker 0 00:03:20 Yeah. And you're also supporting barrel surf podcasts, which is, um, fucking amazing. If you can do that, uh, get on the ag ones, Speaker 1 00:03:26 I'm into Speaker 0 00:03:26 It. Yeah. Let's do it. Right. You tell you what SIE I've been enjoying the, uh, Forester of estate wines. Like they're absolutely amazing. And, um, Speaker 1 00:03:33 I couldn't agree more with you. Uh, they've got a, they've got a few different levels out there of, uh, of type of wine available and look you, not, everyone can always, uh, afford the premium range. Sometimes you've gotta do what your budget suits, but we've been lucky enough to be granted a couple of bottles of their reserve Cabernet, SN inmate, they hold it in reserve. You know, they don't give it out there Willy nearly for a reason because it really is the absolute top shelf red wine. And when you've got one of those occasions, a special occasion that you want to just pimp out and, uh, make that little bit more special, you know, you go reach for a bottle of Forester estate reserve. Inmate. It is like licking a velvet lounge in a seventies disco. It's fucking sweet. Speaker 0 00:04:21 Yeah. Yeah. Well probably not the comparison. I, I would've gone for Azzie but it's yeah, it's absolutely amazing Speaker 1 00:04:27 Velvet, smooth Forester estate. Good work. Speaker 0 00:04:30 You Speaker 2 00:04:31 Barrel surf podcast, barrel surf podcast, barreled surf podcast, barrel surf podcast, barrel surf podcast, barrel surf podcast, Speaker 3 00:04:39 Barrel surf podcast Speaker 0 00:04:51 Here with you. I can check waters again, stoked to be here. It is a Sunday, but that won't matter when this is released, we are, we've actually been enjoying well, some of us have been enjoying a bit of mother's day as my phone goes, there is a car straight up, straight up yellow card. You are off the team. Namo as usual to my rights, I have ads Kennedy. Good. Speaker 1 00:05:13 Azzie good mates. Yep. Uh, Speaker 0 00:05:16 Welcome back to your own shed. Speaker 1 00:05:17 Thanks. Thanks for having me. <laugh> Speaker 0 00:05:19 Mate. This surfboard's stream around here everywhere. We have little chat about where you've been surfing the last few days, but yeah, no worries. Actually getting amongst it mate. Speaker 1 00:05:26 Yeah. Been getting amongst it. Autumn. Autumn's been, uh, yeah, it's been okay. Hasn't been like a sensational autumn, but it's definitely had a couple of pretty good runs. Yeah. I've been, I've been lucky enough to find a few windows in, in between work and family and that. So I've been surfing a bit and um, mate, one man who I'm sure has, uh, well, he's probably hasn't been surfing as much as he normally would cuz he is been very busy working down at the competition, Speaker 0 00:05:49 Working with the WASL, Speaker 1 00:05:50 But he is a pig dog, extraordinaire. He is a master of the super tubes reef despite being a goofy footer. Welcome you he's uh, a spotter to the stars in the, uh, in the judge, WSL judging booth. Welcome back Mickey plow. Speaker 5 00:06:06 Thanks. Azzie and Mickey, Stok me back with you guys, uh, here in the shed and talking about something we love and a passionate talking about. So thanks Speaker 0 00:06:13 Having back guys. Stok for here. Good on. Yeah. Should mention T-bone is, uh, often the go at the moment. So can't be with us, but um, we'll have a little cheeky monkey, Imperial red, sorry. Cheeky monkey. Imperial monk. Yep. Can you speak? NoMy never, Speaker 1 00:06:29 Well, it is a red ale Speaker 0 00:06:29 Also. Never on a microphone. You may say shouldn't um, yeah, so times away, but we'll have a beer for him. And um, Speaker 1 00:06:36 So surfing Speaker 0 00:06:37 Have surfing. Speaker 1 00:06:38 Did you actually get any surfs in Mickey player or were you just slaving to the causes the whole time? Speaker 5 00:06:42 Yeah, no, I actually got some, uh, fun surfing in actually during the event. It was pretty awesome. Like, um, I'm sure we're gonna talk about the trials, but the trials was pumping and had a sneaky little one before that day. Oh, Speaker 1 00:06:52 Oh yeah. Oh, you sent me some photos of that one. Didn't you? Yeah. Speaker 5 00:06:54 Yeah. That Speaker 1 00:06:55 Was really fortunate. Really nice. Speaker 5 00:06:56 Get a little right hand reef near that, near that place. So that was awesome. And um, obviously we had a few lay days, but there's still waves in these lay days. They still got some really fun onshore waves in the area and yeah. Yeah. So it was heaps of waves was great. Really Speaker 0 00:07:07 Good. Sick, nice one. Um, we should mention that Mickey Plowman is a judge extraordinaire for surfing around the areas. Um yep. Involved in obviously the WASL at a high level and also, uh, puts in with the junior comps and so forth as the head judge. Um, your head judge at the tread first went you a couple weeks back. Speaker 5 00:07:26 Yeah, yeah. Just before. Um, yeah, literally a couple days before the, the Margaret event started, we had the shred Fest Speaker 0 00:07:32 Yelling up border out shed Fest Speaker 5 00:07:33 And that was awesome. So world all the, uh, yelling up crew and all the competitors was so good. We, uh, the very first day of the event was at pretty much pumping, yelling up. It was really cool Speaker 0 00:07:42 And really fun Speaker 5 00:07:43 Standard was awesome. And then we, uh, ended up finishing at a, a place. I don't think they surf much Speaker 0 00:07:48 Just undisclosed location. Speaker 5 00:07:49 Yeah, just a little reef. And um, they, I think, uh, full credit to Northy and all the, uh, yelling up crew cause they probably picked the, the best place on the coast that day it's um, but Speaker 0 00:07:57 They, I think they did. I think they nailed it. And once again, um, Northy sorry, I couldn't make it out to, for the commentary. I was, uh, winning a tennis tournament with my wife on day two. So commentated all day on the first day. I can't believe you Speaker 1 00:08:10 Did that. That was after our live live in the shed, know where we may or may not have had a fair few, Speaker 0 00:08:16 The biggest buckled weekend I've had since I became ran, I think Speaker 1 00:08:19 Around the barbecue, we had a few during the podcast and uh, we definitely kicked on after the podcast and had a Barbie and a few more tins and I was feeling a bit dusty the next morning and never formed me, was playing tennis all day. And I was quite impressed Speaker 0 00:08:32 Tennis on the Saturday and then the 40th. Speaker 1 00:08:34 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:08:35 Solid. And then what do we have on Sunday? We had something else. And then we had, oh, Speaker 1 00:08:39 We had ain't that? Well on the Speaker 0 00:08:39 Sunday, that's just, just a lazy that's well live show. And then the 40th after that. Speaker 1 00:08:44 Oh mate, that Speaker 0 00:08:44 Was insane mate. I was, I was in a world of pain on, on the Tuesday. Geez, Speaker 5 00:08:48 Just, just on that. I did see a picture on the, uh, I follow obviously barreled, uh, podcast on their Instagram and I saw an incredible photo of you. Boys looked like you had an absolute the, uh, time of your life on that evening. It looked pretty Speaker 1 00:08:58 Awesome. Aw mate, ain't that swell at the beer farm was all time. Speaker 0 00:09:02 Yes. We will talk a little bit more about that. Um, Speaker 1 00:09:05 At local surf, have you been surfing? Are you still injured? NA Speaker 0 00:09:08 Me, no. I've had a couple of good surfs last. Oh, sweet. Yeah. I've probably surf four or five times the last fortnight I guess. Oh, that's Speaker 1 00:09:13 Good. Um, Speaker 0 00:09:14 You're back, which is good for me. Speaker 1 00:09:15 Smoking's come back. Speaker 0 00:09:16 Um, yeah, no, Speaker 1 00:09:17 Come back. Number 23. Speaker 0 00:09:19 Yeah. I've been writing all sorts of things from twins to Midland, to my normal. I shouldn't say performance. Shortboard no performance there, but my normal thruster, uh, and even a quite as well. So yeah. Been getting monster, having some fun Autum waves, like say it hasn't been air epic, but it's certainly been some windows. Speaker 1 00:09:37 It's been some good. Yeah. I had a good surf yesterday morning down at one of my old favorites on my Jack Melin long fish, 7, 2 20. Nice. And that was flying around some sucky four foot Speaker 0 00:09:50 Bowls. How is it? Speaker 1 00:09:52 It's good. Yeah. It took me a little while to Speaker 0 00:09:54 Figure Speaker 1 00:09:55 Out it. I felt like it was, it felt like my single fins Speaker 0 00:09:58 First moon shine. Surfboards. Speaker 1 00:09:59 Yeah. Moon shine surfboards. Uh, yeah. I don't know. It felt like it was sort of like, it wasn't that different to my single fins. Yeah. Okay. For the first five surfs, but then something clicked yesterday and I big minute it started being a bit more, uh, aggressive than the single fin and it was pretty fun while still being pretty long railed and, and yeah. Pretty, uh, pretty drivey and yeah, strung out. But then it would sort of just rip in the pocket a bit too. Yeah, mate. I did see a guy down there, um, uh, guy by the name of Matt Percy. Um, he, I think he was a Hellman body border, uh, back in the day. Uh he's from over east originally been here a long time and now he's apparently he's just a Hellman Waterman, like he's from down Margie's way. So shout out to, to Matt Percy. Speaker 1 00:10:45 Um, but after the surfer mate, I was, I was lucky enough to have the family away for the weekend, which is a very rare treat. So instead of racing home, after my Dawny surf to do fulfill my duties, I just got to lounge around in the car park and talk to all in sundry and watch the surf and eat a pie and really take, take my time, you know? And, uh, I think I spent about three hours in the car park after my surf, just, uh, we're watching the challenger series on the phone watching nice surf. I was contemplating going out for another one, but the wind sort of was slowly drifted to the north Speaker 0 00:11:17 Ands down in Margie's. Speaker 1 00:11:19 Oh, look somewhere down that way. Yeah. Go. But uh, Speaker 0 00:11:21 Somewhere you can get a pie obviously. It's Speaker 1 00:11:23 Yeah, Speaker 0 00:11:23 Yeah. It can't be two secret. Speaker 1 00:11:24 Oh, I had to drive from my Speaker 0 00:11:26 Park. Speaker 1 00:11:26 Oh, okay. I drive back, but not far, but uh, and then, uh, and, and then, and out in the water was this, um, you know, bearded Hellman who had quite an interesting looking board, you just, you know, real big, thick beak on it. And I was, and I was like, oh fuck. That's a pretty nice looking board. You got there who shaped that? And he's like, oh, I did. And I'm like, oh, okay. And I didn't, I didn't actually realize I I've sort of I've, I've known him as a casual acquaintance, but I didn't really recognize him actually. And, and then when we got in the car park and we were just hanging around, um, he, he was putting his board away and I, and made it had like all like the tie di acid spray. And it had like, like three fins on one side and two on the other. Speaker 1 00:12:08 It was like a boner with a little nub fin up near the rail. Yeah. And I, so I went over and said, mate, can I have a look at your board? And holy shit, this board was, had a lot of stuff going on <laugh> and then he just started pulling out. He had like five board quiver and he started giving us all these, he's got a lot of theories, Matt, Percy, lots of theories. And he's putting 'em to the test, which is cool. Um, so I dunno if you've seen those boards, you know, the old Delta boards had the step deck, so you, so you're getting that extra. Speaker 0 00:12:37 Yeah. Like, like the co that I've got is that step deck I showed you that I'm pretty sure. Oh, did I? It's like, it's got like a channel Corey, like a channel in the deck. Speaker 1 00:12:44 Yeah. Yeah. So you're getting more foam, but the rail's smaller. Yeah. But Matt Percy, he's doing the opposite. He's got a step bottom. Right. So it's, it's got the bottom and then it's full right. Angle, step up. And then the rail and mate, like their chunk of boards, they're like three and a half thick, you know, six, 10 with this step, um, bottom, and then he's got, bonds are set up, you know, he sort of copied the Campbell brothers fin set up a bit. And then he also, he also had, um, like after he'd glassed it, he put like lines of, of duct tape or masking tape lines Speaker 0 00:13:22 Of acid. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:13:24 I think that may, may or may not have had something to do with it. And then through the tail, he sort of created channels, but he hasn't shaped the channels he's made 'em out of putting masking tape and then putting like pouring filler resin on and then pulling the masking tape off. And, and then sort of just giving him a light sand to make like a, he was calling them, um, speed lines. So it's, it's sort of like channels except same deal it's instead of going down, they were coming up if you know what I mean? Like, and it was just out of glass and mate, he's, he's just like, oh man, I'm just messing around and experimenting. And, and then he, uh, and mate, but they were awesome looking boards. Like I, I was looking at, 'em going, they're fucking right up my alley, you know, like big thick, chunky singly, boner, weird ass sings. And um, oh yeah. Speaker 0 00:14:12 Is that what Speaker 1 00:14:13 You mean? Uh, yeah, sort of except, yeah. Except except Matt Percy's on the bottom was like a full right angle. Like, so it is like flat bottom and then right. Angle up and then the rail. And then he also mate, I noticed he, he did the old school, um, fi uh, the old fiberglass leggy, um, street, you know, instead of having to plug the old school rate, like the Archway, Speaker 0 00:14:34 Like a bridge almost. Speaker 1 00:14:35 Yeah. The bridge and mate, instead of having it say 50 mil up from the tail, he has got it right on the very, very tail. And I was like, wow, that's right down there. But mate, he's got a theory for that as well. You know? And, um, his theory is that, uh, it's less likely to break your board because he said the board doesn't, um, tombstone, cuz he said it, it doesn't have any of that part holding it underwater, you know like sometimes when you, you wipe out and you're trying to get your leg, your board back and it's just underwater and you've sort of gotta sort of almost swim towards your board or you sort of do that. We duck paddle and try to push your leg to your board. So the board will then pop up outta the water. So then you can pull on your leggy and make it come back. Speaker 1 00:15:21 And he's like, oh, mine don't do that. They, because they don't go underwater because it's, there's no board for it to go under water because the leg he's right on the very tail, it was fucking pretty interesting conversation. And from all reports, a guy charges like fucking 18 foot boat ramps and Mars bombing. Like he's a bit of a warrior. Yeah. And it's uh, yeah, it's just cool to see this guy. Who's obviously way into his own theories and shaping these fucking sick boards. And I said, mate, next time I see you down at this spot. Cause he surfs, we surf the same spot a bit said, I'm gonna fucking sling you some beers. And uh, I want to take one of your boards for a bit of a wrap just for something different. Speaker 0 00:15:57 Yeah. Nice Speaker 1 00:15:57 One. So yeah, that was pretty interesting, interesting surf yesterday morning. And uh, and yeah, backed it up with a four o'clock Dawny run this morning down to a undisclosed location, a couple of hours away to get a, uh, seaweed infested, right hand point break Speaker 0 00:16:13 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:16:14 That will give away a few clues to a few people who Speaker 0 00:16:16 Know couple hours away probably will as well, but couple hours. That's alright. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:16:20 They can. We're not Speaker 0 00:16:21 Naming it. Speaker 1 00:16:21 No, no you kids mate. It's a fucking mission. Yeah. You know, it's in the middle of fricking nowhere, which is, is part of the appeal. Yeah. It was a beautiful fall drive track in and out and got down there. Did a doey and made it back by lunchtime to do my chores. So <laugh> last being good. Speaker 0 00:16:37 Oh fucking Speaker 1 00:16:37 Good weekend. Good Speaker 0 00:16:38 Weekend. That's you fucking legend. Yeah. Um, Speaker 1 00:16:40 Matt Percy fucking legend. Shout out to Matt. Percy. Yeah. In a fucking guru. Yeah. Shaping his own crazy ass boards. Speaker 0 00:16:48 Interesting theories and uh, equally interesting boards by the sounds of it. Speaker 1 00:16:52 Yeah. They were pretty sick looking. Speaker 0 00:16:53 Yeah. Mickey. Speaker 1 00:16:54 Oh, he had another theory. Speaker 0 00:16:55 Oh you go, oh Speaker 1 00:16:56 Mate, mate. He had a lot of theories. He was also saying something about how, when he shapes him, he like he said, everyone like takes some out of the top of the blank, but he reckons the more you take outta the top, the soft it's like softer in the middle. I was like, oh, I, I don't know fucking any of this shit. I don't know. You know, I'm like, yeah, I'll take you a word for it. And he reckons said, everyone does this thing, but he really focuses on taking as little as he can outta the top of the blank. Cuz he reckons it's harder there. And he goes, he was showing me like, look, there's no depressions in the deck and okay. There was a lot of theories. This guy's got some theories. Yeah. And he's putting them to the test, so right. Yeah. It's fucking cool. Speaker 0 00:17:36 There you go. Speaker 1 00:17:36 Which probably get him in one day. I reckon he'd have, I reckon he's got more theories. <laugh> I think he's got a lot more theories, but matey. Speaker 0 00:17:43 Yeah. There might be some, uh, even more left of center theories if you do bring him in. Yeah. Um, Mickey, you got any left of center theories mate about surfboards. Speaker 5 00:17:52 Not really. No. Just uh, no, I'm pretty, uh, definitely. That's all news to me what you are saying. AIE those theories. And when you're talking about him putting the, uh, obviously where the obviously where he is basically putting where your leg rope attaches and you you're saying set the tails, wondering if that was, you know, sometimes when you, uh, you occasionally get your, uh, cord to go through the back of your tail when you've done that. When it rips Speaker 1 00:18:14 Through. Yeah. Hence cord. Yeah. Hence the, uh, the leggy, uh, rail saver on your leg. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:18:19 So that's what I thought you were referring to when you were talking about him, placing it there. Not so much the, uh, he Speaker 1 00:18:25 Must be, he must be making his rope really, really short obviously. Speaker 0 00:18:28 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:18:28 Have, cause if it's right on the tail then yeah. Obviously the, you crush your rail. Yeah. You don't wanna crush your rail. Do yeah. Cut. Cut your mind. You, there was a lot of glass on his boards. I think you'd you'd need like a stainless steel cord to be cutting through 'em I reckon Speaker 0 00:18:42 148 liters. Speaker 1 00:18:44 I, uh, I was like one of the leaders he's like got fucking, no idea. Mate's handshakes. And I was like 85. Yeah. There was a lot of leaders. Yeah. But matey gets pitted and does all sorts of stuff. So, Speaker 0 00:18:54 So pitted. Speaker 1 00:18:55 Yep. Speaker 0 00:18:56 Um, MI give us, uh, I know we got a whole bunch of, uh, stuff to talk about for the Mars comp cause you're obviously down there the entire time, as you know, we're down there a couple of days as well, getting some interviews, which will, uh, be bringing to the punters in the be surf podcast world at some point. But um, yeah. Started us off mate. Speaker 5 00:19:14 Yeah. No, it was pretty, uh, it's absolutely awesome event. It was unreal. Yeah. So it fucking started wasn't it it's so good. They started off on the, uh, obviously the event started on a Sunday, but the, uh, the Wednesday prior was the trials day and that was, um, the surf was pumping for that day. It was probably that four to six foot range and it was just perfect cuz it was perfect Mars. It wasn't that breaking that far out. So it was just really good for high performance. And the, the standard of surfing from the west Australian surface was awesome. Like so good, really incredible. Um, yeah, full credit to all the, the crew and some, um, you know, some, uh, amazing. I got down to the semis and Jack Thomas like yelling up, yelling up surfer, um, had a really tough heat against kale. Obviously they're great mates and surf together and it's probably the best I've ever seen Jack surf. He, he went to town and he ended up taking that and making through the final and wow. In the other semi was, um, Ben Spence against Jacob Wilcox and um, and Ben, Ben got through that as well. So the final ended up, he Speaker 0 00:20:06 Got the chocolates Speaker 5 00:20:07 He did. Yeah. And Speaker 0 00:20:08 Chip cheaper, got a wild cut into the, Speaker 5 00:20:10 He did. Yeah. So there was a bit of things that, that happened. So, um, obviously Ben Spence to his credit won the, the trials and then Speaker 1 00:20:17 Jack's, he's also been having a bit of a crack on the QS this year. I traveling with Wilcox and he's going all right. Isn't he, he's doing really right. Oh, he didn't make the challenges series though. Did he? Speaker 5 00:20:26 I D no, he didn't. He didn't make the challenges series, but you're right. He has been competing in, um, some of the, the QS ones that were on earlier in the year over there. And, um, he's served really smart. So you can see, it's obviously paying off. He had a couple of heats where, um, you know, he utilized priority really, really well. And, um, so he ended up taking it out and getting to the main event. And then, um, Jack Thomas, even though he finished second, he got the wildcard for li O'Brien who was out injured. And, um, Jacob got in, got a wildcard into the event as well. So obviously he's got someone via injury or something. Speaker 1 00:20:56 What was Jacob? Uh, was he the event sponsor wildcard being the yeah. Wa government perhaps Speaker 5 00:21:01 Potentially. Yeah. So he, he surfed in the trials and made it to the semis mm-hmm <affirmative>. Um, and, um, but then he ended up getting a spot in there, so I wasn't too sure if someone was injured or like you're saying AIE if, um, if he's kind of got a wildcard, cause I usually do give a wild card, give to Speaker 1 00:21:15 Someone, he get one for the, um, event sponsor don't you? Yeah, that's fine. And everyone knows it. He's our next great A's next great hope he's been so close at totally stands to reason that you're flicking one. Speaker 0 00:21:25 Yeah. So the government sponsor, um, who's obviously given them the wildcard. Well, we think possibly if, uh, if that's incorrect, let us know on Instagram, Speaker 5 00:21:33 Whatever. Yeah. And obviously, um, sorry, just to be the trials to me and McCarthy be, uh, Emma Lin. Um, so they, um, they, the girls are ripping as well, so full credit to Emma and yep. And Mia. Yeah. Mia obviously went through to the main event. Yeah. It's Speaker 0 00:21:45 Awesome. Yeah. Good experience for those guys. Um, I believe Mia is doing a nursing degree. Is that what Speaker 5 00:21:51 I'm actually not that sure. Some Speaker 0 00:21:52 Sort of Speaker 1 00:21:52 Degree. I believe that, uh, MEIA McCarthy is having nurses, uh, treat her actually after, uh, that big day of the, the day before finals. Apparently she was packing pits out at Northeast and got smashed in the head by her board or reef or something sounded like it was pretty gnarly. So yeah. Sounds like, uh, she might have been on the receiving end of some nursing treatment Speaker 0 00:22:17 There. Yeah. Hopefully me is on, on the men's Speaker 1 00:22:19 Yeah. She's mate. She rips, I remember seeing her at the Margie's classic and having a chat with her, um, in the car park, on, on barrel surf podcast. Yeah. And yeah, she's awesome. Chick and she definitely surfs really good. So, Speaker 0 00:22:31 Well, yeah. I was having a chat with her, her, um, dad too. He was saying, um, he would love to come on with me. So at some point in the next little while I think it's Matt, is it Matt Speaker 5 00:22:42 McCarthy? Yeah. Matt McCarthy. Yeah. Everyone knows him as SQUI. He does. Speaker 0 00:22:45 Sorry. SQUI. I, um, be means to get back to you, get Speaker 5 00:22:48 Why SQUI. I, um, he's got a, but we'll get you on. Yeah, he's got his own little, um, I was gonna say clothing, but he's got his own, he does like leg ropes and board bags and all that. So if you see the squid board bags and all that, I've seen them before. That's his label. Yeah. Cool. For me, his dad. Uh, yeah, so he that's him now. So I said, well, he got the nickname squiddy Speaker 1 00:23:05 Does he sponsor his Speaker 5 00:23:06 Daughter? I'd say he definitely would sponsor his daughter. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:23:09 He's sponsoring your daughter either way, whether he's putting stickers on the board or not. Speaker 5 00:23:12 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:23:12 He will have a squid sticker. <laugh> cool. I'll see. So Speaker 1 00:23:16 What else you got for the trials? Mickey? Speaker 5 00:23:18 Anything. Yeah, so that was it. So I, that was absolutely pumping and full credit to the wa crew. That was, that was unreal. And um, so yeah, those guys all got through and, um, it was awesome with the trials. So that was a really blessed event. And so that, that was on the Wednesday and obviously the, the main event started on the Sunday Speaker 1 00:23:32 Who judges the trials. Is that the big dog judges or local judges? Speaker 5 00:23:36 Yeah. So it's local judges. So, um, yeah, so it's all this, the top kinda like surfing wa judges get to do that. Um, one thing that it didn't happen this year, but what sometimes happen is, um, cuz this year bells was still going. Um, the, the day of the trials was the last waiting day, last day of the waiting day period for bells. Um, so all the judges actually weren't in Western Australia at that time, but sometimes we've had, um, uh, one of the professional guys will come in and do assist with priority and stuff, but uh, this year it was completely, uh, run and done by, uh, surfing wa crew. So it was awesome. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:24:09 Yeah. Nice. So, so who, who are some of the judges that would be allowed to talk about? Speaker 5 00:24:13 Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. It's it's an awesome time actually. Cuz um, we've got some incredible, um, young crew coming through. I'm sure you would've heard of guys likes and ER, um HEFA and he Heman, I think I, sorry, pronounced that incorrectly, but you know, he's a, yeah, he's a legend. He surfs in mark river. Absolutely rips. He's represented Australia before in surfing and the ice a games and things like that. So we've got him on board. We've also got the Grason brothers. So, um, Jed and Ben have been judging a lot with us. They're both Speaker 1 00:24:39 Absolutely rip as Speaker 5 00:24:40 Well. Absolutely rip and um, really good judges they're coming through. Um, queen nation is a guy that's been judging a lot and um, queen and nation queen nation. So he, um, it's interesting though. Yeah. So Quinn, um, is an up and coming, uh, junior competitor for surfing west Australia and now he's pretty much taken. The last three or four years is completely, uh, given up competing and judges and he actually, um, is been doing good. So he is been head judging some surfing wa events and doing a great job. And the other one that we've got, um, another young lady by the name of Bailey Hastings, I'm sure heard of Bailey she's um, she's been doing some great judging for us and we've got awesome guys that have been around forever in a day, like Doug fisherman and these kind of crew. Okay. Um, and also, um, we have a, a young lady who lives in Mar she's, Brazil, Marcella, and um, she's awesome. So she's, uh, we've got a great crew who Speaker 0 00:25:28 In shred Fest, Speaker 5 00:25:29 She wasn't at the shred Fest. Speaker 0 00:25:31 Who, who was the, um, who were the, some of the judges Speaker 5 00:25:33 At the, that was Bailey you met. So we had Bailey Seth and Quinn doing the, um, doing the shred Fest. So you would've met those guys. So yeah, that was basically in between the, they did the trials and then in between the trials and the main event was the, uh, shred Fest. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:25:46 Mate, speaking of the shred Fest and priority and judging it, mate, it's even at that level of, you know, it's only kids, but you're trying to run this pro event to give 'em a taste of a professional, um, styled event, you know, and I may or may not have rolled in at about two o'clock in the afternoon after I told Northy I'd come and help. But look, the waves were, were pretty bloody good that day. And you know, I may or may not have just been fucking surfing all morning instead then into lunchtime and rolled in for a, uh, for, for a slight guest appearance to, to help out I'm I'm making inverted comments with my fingers there. And you guys put me on the pro Speaker 0 00:26:23 Typical hours, he just fucking takes over the microphone as Susie arrived. So we put it so we put him on the priority pad. Speaker 1 00:26:29 No, no, no. Yeah. I didn't, I didn't take over the microphone. They just bloody shunted me in the corner and said, you can do the priority magnet things. And holy crap, I was mad. I was like one of those bloody, um, street performers in New York where you gotta find the coin under the three cups mate, you're moving him around. Like, and, and the sun's in your eyes, it's glaring. And like, is that fucking green or yellow? And Speaker 0 00:26:50 Kids yelling at him eight year old kids yelling him and Mickey, where's the fucking Speaker 1 00:26:54 Bro where this color, that guy I'm like, holy crap. And yeah, mate, it's hard work like it, you, you get one or two waves pretty quick. And then, you know, you're four people and you've got the four priority thing. You're whipping those mag big magnet, styled colored flags around this metal thing. Speaker 0 00:27:10 And I drop off a theme down below, well, Speaker 1 00:27:12 Look, to be fair. I didn't drop any old Mickey plow. Two of them mate. Then you had to walk all the way around, down the bottom in the Bush. And I'm like, Hey, Hey, maybe I'm not so bad after all. Yeah. But no, Mickey had had a long day, you know, he was doing about three jobs at the one time, but no, I got a taste of it. And um, yeah, mate, it's, it was pressure even while I was doing the under twelves. You know what I mean? Like you it's all happening pretty quick and yeah. So I can only imagine when, what it's like. Yeah. You know, at that top level to make you'd want, like Speaker 0 00:27:42 To be fair, the CT never has four man heats though. Azzie four person Speaker 1 00:27:45 Hates. Yeah. Well they're doing it. No, they do. When you have crossover heats at pipe and Speaker 0 00:27:49 Shit like CT, I said Speaker 5 00:27:51 C Speaker 1 00:27:52 Pipeline has, has crossover heats. Speaker 0 00:27:54 Yeah. Ah, okay. Speaker 5 00:27:55 Yeah. Obviously you've got that Julie noted. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. But it's um, I know we spoke about it last time. We're on, it's a really, um, incredible position because it, um, if you are the priority judge or the world priority judge guy by the name of Buchanan, uh Ratto nickname is and um, yeah, he, he's, it's incredible. Like he literally can't take his eye off the water when you doing that Speaker 1 00:28:13 Job, can't happens so quick. Speaker 5 00:28:14 Um, and I think I mentioned last time I was on like, um, just to give you an idea of how intense and how serious he takes the role. So he's got like a little notepad with him and he'll record whatever heat. If there's a situation where he gives priority a certain surfer, he'll actually write the heat, the surfer involved and the reason. So if he gets quizzed or questioned about it, he can actually give it. And it's amazing like to, to work in there is really cool. Like we had situations where priority, um, you saw at bells, there was some pretty crazy stuff with the jet skis trying to overtake each other stuff. Yeah. Yeah. And that, that was pretty wild. Like normally that never ever happens in event. We can talk about that in detail a bit further, but what will happen is he, um, he, you know, people, he watches the surface, but he also watches his, the jet ski. Speaker 5 00:28:57 So it's a situation where a jet ski might cut through or basically whoever has caught the last way. Sorry, the first, last way they'll generally have the lowest priority when they get back out to the water. So there's a couple of situations in Margaret river where, um, two surfaces were picked up at re reasonably at the same time. So one guy or girl who caught the first wave, then someone caught the second and on the jet ski, uh, trip back out one, uh, one jet ski might have to have gone wider cuz of the set got caught inside. Another jet ski might have cut in cross. And when they got out there and they paddled out around the same time, he'd sometimes give priority to the surf who actually didn't get back to the lineup first because of the J Jessica issue. So he'll jump on the jet. He'd jump on the, uh, he's got a little microphone there so he can announce straight away if there's a change of priority or something Speaker 1 00:29:44 Like that, who he's announcing to just beach speakers or to Speaker 5 00:29:46 The yeah. So he's Speaker 1 00:29:48 So through the beach speakers. Yeah. So he through cuz all those, um, jet ski guys all got, um, CB radios and shit don't Speaker 5 00:29:54 They that's right. So Speaker 1 00:29:55 They're all they all have. 'em all just one Speaker 5 00:29:56 Guy. Yes. Yeah. No. So they're all on walking, talkies, all the jet ski crew, but for, um, for Ratso when he judges. So he's got obviously a little iPad in front of him where he attach the, uh, colors of who's got priority and that'll go into the big, um, LCD screen. So that's what the surfaces will see when they look up and see who's got priority. But he, um, he's also got a microphone which is like a bit attached to the speaker system at the beach. So he can yell out priority change, you know, if red paddles for wave and misses it and there's a wave behind it, red paddles for it misses it. You can just straight away get on the microphone, say priority, change black, you now have priority or whatever color it is. Uh, so it's instant straight away. So a lot of times he'd actually say, um, priority is going to red, um, due to jet ski situation or something like that. So yeah, some really interesting stuff. So even like on the jet ski trip back out, he's still watching the surfers and where they're yeah, that's crazy. It's a, it's a big job. Speaker 1 00:30:46 Yeah. Big job. And long, there was some long days there wasn't there making the most of the good days. Like there was what some good maybe almost 10 hour days of heats. Speaker 5 00:30:56 Yeah, it's incredible. So the, um, it was incredible how like full credit might call off and all the Jesse Mo Dyer and uh, Renada Hico and all the Peno and all the judges that had to meet every day and make a call if they were gonna run or not. And the forecast at the start of the week look pretty bad for the whole, the whole week. And then, um, touch wood the Tuesday and the Wednesday, literally the last two days of the waiting period came really good. And, um, they, they, um, stuck to their guns and I think we did 16 heats, uh, on the Tuesday and then it was 18 heats on the, uh, the final day to get to get done. And so we finished at four and I think basically, you know, it was dark by five 30. So they, they made the waiting period by about an hour and a half. So Speaker 1 00:31:34 <laugh> yeah. Speaker 5 00:31:35 Solid and so lucky too, cuz that Wednesday was, um, the Tuesday was huge. Like that was massive when they ran that in the afternoon. Oh, so big. And then, um, <laugh>, it was huge to watch and, and um, the next day obviously to get it all day offshore, um, was just incredible to be able to finish the event. It was Speaker 1 00:31:52 Awesome. So mate, um, everyone was like, there was a lot of talk about finishing at the box on the Wednesday, like at, you know, the swell size was probably perfect. And like I surfed that day and the wind wasn't a box wind where I surf, but I was 40 kilometers up the coast. Um, and it looked like it was more offshore down. There was the why didn't they surf the box when everyone was frothing and all the competitors and everyone was on paper. The forecast looked right a box day, Speaker 5 00:32:25 The final day or the day Speaker 1 00:32:26 Final day. Yeah. Yeah. The, the, the day before was too big. Obviously I can tell you, I can tell you Speaker 5 00:32:30 Why before Mickey Speaker 1 00:32:31 Says, okay, then what scheduling? Oh, Speaker 5 00:32:36 There's a lot. There's a bit to it. Um, they definitely would've been able to do it if they had less heats to run. So scheduling in the, it would've been, you know, ideally and everything went in, everything went in its favor, like as you're saying, the wind was perfect, it was pumping, the box was really going off. So, Speaker 1 00:32:52 So the wind was, Speaker 0 00:32:53 Was front overlapping heats that I, before problem solved. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:32:56 Yeah. Obviously that was the huge day. But yeah, that was the only way you were gonna get through it, um, to get through basically. So Speaker 1 00:33:01 The wind was clean enough cause Speaker 5 00:33:02 It was pumping. Yeah. It wasn't Speaker 1 00:33:03 Really clean enough up this end Speaker 5 00:33:05 It's um, no, it was perfect. And like, um, yeah, obviously the free service are there absolutely killing it. But um, there was a couple reasons to it. They were really under the pump. Like I said, they had 18 heats to get through that day. They had a, a meeting at the start of the day where they actually told the surfers. So normally the day before the heats were 35 minutes long and basically they made every heat 30 minutes long. Um, cuz they were just so worried that if they had to do a reheat. Um, so basically if no waves broken the first Speaker 1 00:33:31 15, yeah, restart, Speaker 5 00:33:32 They'd have to do a restart. So if you get a couple of them, um, or if, you know, obviously Western Australia, if you literally, if we, you know, it's salmon season, if you had to, which has happened in past years, but you have to get the competitors out, they're on jet ski. They have to be outta the water for 30, 40 minutes while they can clear the water and make sure it's safe to go back. Speaker 1 00:33:48 I didn't think about that either. These kind Speaker 5 00:33:50 Of things, things Speaker 1 00:33:50 I don't think about. Speaker 5 00:33:51 So yeah, a couple things went down, so they changed the heats to only 30 minutes long and they also told all the surfs, they were not gonna get AUR. So basically that, that was told to all the surfers at the start. So basically to say, you know, don't, don't waste your opportunities with Setcom Speaker 0 00:34:06 Get on, get on your bikes Speaker 5 00:34:07 Kids. Yeah. We're not gonna waste. I mean, it was pretty Speaker 1 00:34:08 Consistent swell, so Speaker 5 00:34:09 You, they didn't have that issue, but they had to do that. There was OB obviously just to get through it all. Um, yeah. And yeah, so that, that was how it, how it came down to, but it did have a lot of things in its favor with the tide. And I think if they'd got it down to hypothetically just quarters to remaining, uh, the men's and stuff, they definitely would've yeah. Held it, but yeah, just that fear of um, 18 heat to not getting through it. And ironically, um, poor, um, collo and Speaker 1 00:34:35 Dino got, I was about to say you got a bonus 40 minute, a 30 minutes at the start of that Speaker 5 00:34:38 80. Yeah. So that was, and it was Speaker 1 00:34:40 Ironic. Might've been enough <laugh> Speaker 5 00:34:41 It was ironic. Cuz last year I remember, um, John, John, he got injured going into the quarters, so he had, he had to withdraw and then this year, the quarter final, he was in, uh, his opponent have withdrawn, so kind of a same, same situation, but obviously different, you know, different individual, uh, dealing with it. So, uh, Speaker 1 00:34:59 And it wasn't COVID which is, Speaker 5 00:35:00 Is like rare Speaker 1 00:35:01 Food poisoning. Yeah. Cause it's always COVID these days, but yeah. That's poisoning, Speaker 5 00:35:06 Eh, yeah. Like as soon as I heard I's sick, he's in, he's sick. He's out, straight away. I thought. Yeah. It's COVID and then, um, yeah, no, he was literally, um, from what I've heard in hospital the night before with severe food poisoning. Speaker 1 00:35:16 Geez, you wouldn't, uh, you wouldn't want to be, uh, the, the people who dished up that food, whatever local established that's Speaker 0 00:35:23 Not might have been from home. So I could have been not necessarily pay that tie that whatever the expression is. Yeah. Um, local establishments or yeah, yeah. Go try some feed my river. It's pretty amazing. Speaker 1 00:35:36 <laugh> except for that one spot Speaker 0 00:35:39 Clay Hay's kitchen. Don't go to clay Hay's kitchen. Every time someone gets food poison. Now where'd you get food poisoning, clay Hay's kitchen. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:35:46 Exactly. Yeah. Well mate, it was a bloody awesome comp. We spent a bit of time down there. I mean, Namo had a pretty good day out, down there on Saturday, which had men's elimination and then a big day of women's surfing, uh, shout out to Forester estate who were, um, one of the smaller sponsors of the event and were given away a whole bunch of free wine and they threw us a few VIP tickets. So yeah, we got Towan around in the, uh, upstairs scaffolding. I'm pretty sure Speaker 0 00:36:17 I tell you why they put it on. Speaker 1 00:36:18 They did put it on. Um, I went for a Dawny that morning as, as per normal, got some good waves and then, uh, you know, rolled in very hungry. And uh, I probably cut myself a tiny bit short to be honest, uh, knowing that there was free breakfasts on offer and uh, and good surfing to watch and uh, yeah, went down there and we, um, Speaker 0 00:36:38 Beers from 11. Speaker 1 00:36:39 Uh, yeah, pretty much. I know I had a, uh, Forester red did you with my lunch? Oh, that's fine. Well, wouldn't you fucking Speaker 0 00:36:45 Civilized. Speaker 1 00:36:45 Yeah. Very, very civilized. Um, and uh, you know, had me mate, Steve, who he didn't surf and he was just there for a good time. Speaker 0 00:36:52 Oh Steve not surf. Speaker 1 00:36:53 No, he doesn't surf. Yeah. Right. No, he's just, he's the burnout king. He's just the mad as burnout Speaker 0 00:36:58 While it's going fast. He's, like's Speaker 1 00:37:00 Going fast, real fast, but not in the water. He likes going fast in cars, uh, and doing sick burnouts, but no, he came down and um, yeah, he may or may not have gotten involved, you know, in, in, in, um, and had a really good time. Yeah. And drank a few and yeah, so that was good. But, um, mate, I, I went down there and look, I may or may not have snuck a bacon and egg, uh, roll and a coffee out for me, old mate, Tony Saffer who was, was down in the pleb section in, in the front. No, I was I'd. I did a Doy with Tony and I said, come on, come down the comp. And he goes, ah, you're just gonna hang out in the VIP. And I'm like, no, no, no, we we'll. We'll get you covered. So Speaker 0 00:37:36 We'll take some stuff out Speaker 1 00:37:37 For you, man. Yeah. So Steve, I stuck a bacon and egg Sam Sambo up your shirt for good old Tony. So she out to Tony and Speaker 0 00:37:43 We didn't need to do that. I just walk straight out with a, with one for Mel Speaker 1 00:37:47 <laugh>. Uh, but no, that was awesome, mate. Yeah. So we had the, the, you know, and look, you move around. It's a really good view up there, but sometimes you like to just be down with everyone as well. And, and we did some interviews down with the car park and mate, the waves were, were pretty good. The box was going off that morning as well. Oh, right. Speaker 0 00:38:04 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:38:04 Um, yeah. I saw some really good waves there, Jack robo and um, Griffin Cola, Seth some hell pits. Seth mane. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:38:12 Griffin Cola. Pinto. Speaker 1 00:38:14 Yeah. Yeah. It was pretty cool. Uh, so no, it was a really good day that day. We got to see slate surf, which, uh, he, you know, forties way outta the eliminations. And, but then it was a big day of, of women surfing and mate, it was fucking, really good surfing. It was a really good day. Um, I think we all know that, you know, the days of, of like, um, being bummed that the chicks are on that, that those days are finished, you know, like, Speaker 0 00:38:39 Yeah. Especially when you say someone like Molly pickling, just do that massive rap that she did. That was that's Speaker 1 00:38:44 Exactly what I was bringing Speaker 0 00:38:45 Up. One of the sickest terms I've ever seen Speaker 1 00:38:48 Molly Pickman we're, we're obviously on team Molly these days. Cause she came to our headquarters and she's a young Aussie and we're all behind the Aussies. And she went out of our way to come on barrel surf podcast and she was an absolute legend. Yeah. Thanks Molly. Thanks Molly. And mate, to see her surf, I was really interested and, and, and invested in seeing her do well. And then mate, she did that one turn and I was just like, fuck it. It was like John, John, holy shit. And then at the same time, the commentators were like, that was like John, everyone was just saying, that's like John, John, and mate, to have someone say that was like John, John at Margaret's. It's like, there's no greater compliment. Speaker 0 00:39:24 No, no. Um, Speaker 1 00:39:25 Unfortunately she, she didn't make the cut at the end. She made that heat. Yeah. And then, um, couldn't quite get, Speaker 0 00:39:31 That was against Chris, wasn't it? Speaker 1 00:39:32 No, no, Speaker 0 00:39:33 No. It was uh, uh, so it was against Tyler. Speaker 1 00:39:36 Yeah. I can't remember who it was against. I know she, she lost a Courtney Conlogue later in the Speaker 0 00:39:41 Day. Yeah. Pretty sure it was against Tyler. Yeah. Tyler. Speaker 1 00:39:43 Right. Um, mate, it was, it was an amazing, uh, it was just great to see her surf in the flesh after meeting her here on podcast Speaker 0 00:39:50 Was just like, Speaker 1 00:39:51 Oh, it was so good. Just stylish. And yeah, mate, the chicks were just ripping and then obviously early in the day, uh, Bronte McClay against Carisa Moore. That was a fucking awesome. Yeah. That she just came out the gates against Carisa Moore with that backhand attack. I think it was like a three or four turn combo and it was this vertical and deep bottom turns. Crowd went ape shit. Um, you know, everyone fucking Speaker 0 00:40:17 Ripping me mate. Speaker 1 00:40:18 It was fucking sick. It was like a high eight or something. Was it Mickey? Speaker 5 00:40:21 Oh mate. She cured her. I'm I'm looking at it now. So that was around a 16 against Carisa. So she had an eight, seven and a 7 3, 3. So the one you were talking about got an eight. Seven. Yeah. That was in seven. And um, yeah, so her, her heat total was like 15.5 and Chris Moore needed a 9.33 to get through that heat. So that's how dominant, um, uh, Bronte was. She was ripping. Speaker 1 00:40:41 Did you say, did you say something in a message cuz we, we have a little group, um, message thing with, um, with you and, and T-bone the barrel guys. And did you say that she's never actually beaten Carissa Speaker 5 00:40:52 Before? Yeah, to my knowledge, I don't think. And my understanding is she'd never beaten Carissa or Steph. Mm. And obviously from beating, uh, Carissa her next, he was against Steph. And um, that was, I dunno if you guys saw those towards the end of the day, that was really slow. Yeah. And completely different. Like no, what Speaker 1 00:41:10 Totally different. Like she came outta the, she came outta the gates just fucking blazing against Chrisa Moore. Yeah. And then, and then it was one of the last heats the day, second, last heat of the day. Yep. And yeah, me and Steve O were may or may not have been smashing some cans up in the VIP area at the end of the day. And I think everyone was feeling a bit festive. It was Saturday afternoon, the comps in town and is incredible. And then, and it was such a slow. Tell us about that heat Nick. Speaker 5 00:41:34 Yeah. That was incredible. Cuz like for her like our full credit tour, because um, watching that she got her first wave of nine minutes to go, so you'd be freaking so she'd um, you know, step had a couple of ways and it was a battle of the force. They were both carrying force. So, um, she ended up beating her by a hundredth point. It was that close and she got the, the buzz Abido type thing to, uh, to win it. She was ping the goon when they reached out the score and you could see how much it meant to her. Mm. It was incredible. So it was a full on, um, you know, she's gone her heat against Chrisa, everything went her way. She was getting waves, um, in the rhythm type thing. And then obviously this one here, she's completely outta rhythm having to wait, you know, basically 21 minutes or something to get a wave. And then, uh, yeah. And then the last, literally I think she rode two waves to the heat or something and they just got through, Speaker 1 00:42:16 Yeah. It was like a minute or something to go mate, that wave. I mean, it wasn't convincing the score. I didn't know if she'd got the score or not how much, I mean, do you think there's anything in a situation like that Sunday afternoon down at surface point Margaret river, the crowds at its capacity, the local legends up against a seven time world champ, she may or may not have got the score. Do you think that creeps in a little bit at all that the crowd vibe that maybe just got a half a point extra? Speaker 5 00:42:50 No, it's a really good point. Um, the answer is no. So just give you an idea of what happened. So when that Speaker 1 00:42:55 It could have not, it could have easily have not been the a Speaker 5 00:42:57 Hundred percent. Speaker 1 00:42:58 Yeah. And then when it got it, it was like, it was sort of a bit surprising. It was just not surprising, but it was like, oh, it could have gone either way, you know? And then the crowd just went ape shit. Speaker 5 00:43:06 Like absolutely. Yeah, no, it's a really good point. You bring up, so what will happen? And you'll see it when we're watching at home or when you're at the event. So, you know, our heat will finish and um, if there's a wave towards the end of the heat, um, the next heat's on hold for two or three minutes, and what they're doing is they're reviewing all the waves from that heat. So in that particular wa that particular heat, um, between Steph and Bronte, um, they actually reviewed all four waves. So Bronte's two scoring waves, it's TES Sue scoring waves. So they can go through the first wave of the heat, which Steph would've caught. And that was in the four range. So they can look at it, say, okay, this one average say hypothetically a four or five, and then they'll play the wave. That's just been ridden. Speaker 5 00:43:43 Um, and they can do all those compromisation and just work out, you know, where it sits. Um, so yeah. Yeah. So that comes into place. They, they review it, they go through a million times and it always comes down to the first exchange. So the first scoring wave of that heat, they're always doing a reference to that. There's another one that was really close. That it's awesome to talk about between, um, it's probably the, one of the heats of the event in the men's was between, uh, I don't know if you guys got to saw it, but Felipe Toledo versus Nat young, that was an incredible heat. And that came down to like unbelievably, it was so close and the next heat was on hold for three or four minutes. Nat young Speaker 1 00:44:18 Got him. Speaker 5 00:44:18 Yeah. He just got in. Yeah. And that came down. It was an amazing theme because both of 'em had waves like high seven eights early in the heat. And then their last two waves, which in the last minute of the heat were gonna be their in their scoring range. So they had to go through all the, their scoring ways. So all four of 'em they're analyzing all four ways that were gonna get scored and get counted. And they were basically analyzing from them and yeah, NA just got him by and that was so close and you could see it similar to Bronie and Steph, you could see it going one way or the other. Um, but, um, yeah, incredibly it's, it's awesome to watch him do it. And that's when you're watching at home and you're seeing why isn't the next heat starting. That's what the guys girls are doing when they're judging, they're reviewing the whole heat, making sure they're gonna get the best right result. Speaker 0 00:44:58 Yeah. I, I actually thought that NA NA's Victor is more clear cut than Brody's. I still think Bri Bronte got it. But yeah, I thought I called Nat winning that one pretty clearly. Should we Speaker 1 00:45:09 Quickly summarize the, uh, the women's and then move into the men's uh, Isabella Nichols. Yeah. Um, mate, just for the record, me mate, Steve O who does the best burnouts in the world in a, in ridiculously high powered car. Uh, and doesn't surf. His last name is Nichols. So he was all four. Speaker 0 00:45:27 No, that's right. Steve Nichols. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:45:29 So he was pretty pumped. Uh, Sabella Nichols was having a, have a good dig. So it was a bit climb pressure. The final of the women's wasn't it, they sort of, yeah, didn't really tee off. It was a bit of a, you know, wasn't, wasn't quite like some of those early heats, but it was awesome to see and she needed to win that. Make the cut to make the cut mate, the cut as I fucking love the cut. Speaker 0 00:45:51 Love the Speaker 1 00:45:51 Cut. I fucking love the cut. Like as much as everyone hates it. Fucking makes Speaker 0 00:45:55 Sucks if you don't make the cut, but Speaker 1 00:45:57 It sucks if, if you don't make the cut Speaker 0 00:45:58 It's fun if you make the cut. Awesome. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:45:59 She wheres. It made for a lot of excitement. No, he Speaker 0 00:46:02 Did make the Cardy Speaker 1 00:46:04 Jacko baker, Speaker 0 00:46:04 Jacko baker. Speaker 1 00:46:06 So, uh, yeah, well done his be and nickels, unbelievable performance to need to win the comp to make the cut and then got the job done. Fucking legend. Um, yeah, so let's roll into the men's Mickey. What, what give some highlights of the men, what you got Speaker 5 00:46:19 For us there's he highlights? So I definitely think what couple of the heats of the, uh, event was definitely that one we were just referred to. So the, uh, Felipe Toto that young, that was incredible. Um, some amazing standup performance Speaker 0 00:46:31 Slab, chip slab, Speaker 5 00:46:32 Honestly, John, John, as you guys know, probably it'd have to be the best guy ever to surf Margarets, you know, it's, he's just that he's a different level he's in. Do Speaker 0 00:46:40 You know? I was talking to a mate of mine. Um, and we were, we, we were sort of equating it to watching, uh, Shane Warren bowl at the height of his powers. You're like so excited when Shane Warren is walking into bowl, it's like watching John, John paddling into wave at Margie's, he's gonna fucking, this could be anything. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:47:00 And I was down in the car park where they're putting on their wetsuit and I saw John John on sculling VB and punching darts, just like Shane Speaker 0 00:47:07 Warren. Exactly. Wouldn't true. Wouldn't have thought that bloody. He was not, he was not, Speaker 5 00:47:13 Yeah. He would eat a can of bake beans as well. Didn't he was famous for that. So that's Speaker 0 00:47:17 <laugh> pie, Speaker 5 00:47:19 But uh, yeah, so obviously John John's performances and pretty much every heat he had was incredible. The other guy that was amazing was, um, Ethan Ewing. So Ethan Ewing in every single heat, I had to look through it. Um, before I came in tonight, um, every heat he was in, except for his first elimination round, he, um, had a nine in his scoring two waves. So it gives you an idea Speaker 0 00:47:38 How he's fucking good Speaker 5 00:47:39 Seriously. He's amazing. Yeah. So he, Speaker 1 00:47:41 Um, he just looks so good. The amount of people that, um, like older sort of surfers that you're speaking to, that, you know, don't even watch that much of the comps in that we're just like, um, wow, fuck. How's that Ethan Ewing guy. They just, you know, they don't get turned on by guys doing big Roers heirs and all that sort of stuff, but they, they see someone like Ethan Ewing and they're just like, that's fucking good surfing. Like that's really good surf. That's the surfing that everyone wants to surf like, like, so, Speaker 0 00:48:12 So good seeing him getting some confidence, Speaker 1 00:48:14 Him Jack Rubo and John were, were the clear standouts I thought the whole way through. Speaker 5 00:48:18 Yeah. And I was gonna mention with Jack as well, like looking at his score line, he pretty much net an eight plus wave in every single heat that he competed in. And, um, if you watched the final, it was pretty awesome. Like at the start of it, um, they had a really strong Jostle to see who got the first wave and neither of guys were backing yeah. Backing down at all, but way. Um, yeah, Jack was pretty, uh, pretty adamant he was gonna get the first wave of that final and he did. He did. Yeah, he did. So if you watched, anyone wants to watch the review of that, watch that initial. He really, um, he works hard to get to the inside. Speaker 1 00:48:49 Was Ratso just vibrating with excitement, excitement at that time. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:48:53 Priority judge. Yeah, absolutely. So when that's happening, he's on, he's got his binoculars on and he's just watching him close as in the Speaker 1 00:48:59 Glare 250 meters out the sea, just watching these guys shoulder to shoulder. Speaker 0 00:49:04 How is, how is a glare from the judges' area in the afternoons? Um, Speaker 5 00:49:08 Yeah, this year, um, we're pretty lucky actually. We had a lot of cloud cover. Yeah. So towards the end. So the last couple of days, so that, that covered it and, um, they've actually moved the tower. So now that all the guys are catching the right, they've actually moved the tower across a little bit more towards the stairs so we can get a, um, good view. Uh, they've moved it south. So it used to be where the VIP tower is now is where the, the judging tower used to be. Oh yeah. And now they've moved it probably about, oh, I was gonna say 50 feet or so towards the well, towards the stairs Speaker 1 00:49:36 Is that Hawaiian feet. Speaker 5 00:49:37 Um, so it's a fair distance. It's closer the stairs. Put it that way. So we're Speaker 0 00:49:41 Three meters, bro. Speaker 5 00:49:42 We pretty much, um, yeah, we've got a really good view of the rights of when they're finishing those rights and um, yeah, so that's, that's the view we've got. And so that's definitely helped the glare, I think a little bit, but there, and also yelling up are probably from judging anyway. Probably the most too intense, Speaker 0 00:49:56 Intense at the shred first. Yeah. Geez. Speaker 1 00:49:59 Sometimes we're peeling. Speaker 5 00:50:01 Yeah. There's a couple ones where you've gotta look at the heat draw and work out. Who's a goofy and a natural to work out who's in the heat and who potentially be Speaker 0 00:50:07 It all. That's right. A few judges ask commentators who fucks on this wave. Speaker 5 00:50:10 We've had a, we've had a lot of ones actually. Um, last two years ago we had one where, um, aunt man was doing the, uh, the jet ski. So he was on the water safety thing and we'd have to get on the walkie talkie, just confirm, got the colors. Right. And things like that. So it is pretty cool. You can work as a team and get it all done like that. But yeah, definitely Margaret's in yelling up are the, the most two intense ones Speaker 1 00:50:30 <laugh> yeah. Right. Um, yeah. What Speaker 0 00:50:33 Else we got, I still haven't to come back from that. Speaker 1 00:50:35 What was your highlights Neu of the Margie's comp in the men's? Speaker 0 00:50:41 Yeah, well, I, I say it every time, but um, just the way that John, John holds his rail through those turns and somehow seems to generate speed outta. I, I can't work it out. Um, obviously there's been talk about the ghost board that quite a few of the pros apparently riding it marks and, and um, nobody else can do that, that he does, even with those boards. So watching John, John's always a highlight. Um, I have, I know Mickey's explained why and all the rest of it. I just reckon it's a cop out from the, WASL not, not running at least a few heats at box. When we, I mean that day we were there on Saturday, it's fucking firing, wasn't it? I mean, why would you not have it out there? Um, they don't don't seem, wanna put the ladies out there for some reason. Maybe they don't, maybe the girls don't want to go out there. Speaker 1 00:51:28 Some of that mate, I spoke to some chicks. They were keen. Yeah. Molly said in the shed here, she was, They don't want, they don't want eight foot box, but they want four to six. Speaker 0 00:51:36 Yeah. Yeah. Which is cool. Yep. Four to six is pretty, pretty heavy. It's still sick. Um, Speaker 5 00:51:41 One, one thing, sorry, just Don. Yeah. Go. One thing they probably don't mention, I know is, um, they look at it's about a 40 minute set up time. So it's, um, that's one thing they're aware of. So if they do start at the box, um, just to let everyone know, they basically, if they start at the box is what they want to do. Um, when they have say the tide got too low or the breeze came in or something like that had to move, it's about a 40 minute period where they'd have to stop the event. Yeah. And then restart it at main break is what they're saying to get the, you know, get the, uh, computer systems back online, all that kind of stuff. So there is that, that factor. Speaker 0 00:52:11 It is fair enough. Yep. But the thing is the amount of Goodwill that when they surf the box, everyone's goes how fucking goods, the muzzle. Speaker 1 00:52:18 Yeah. It's so much froth, you Speaker 0 00:52:20 Know? Yes. Speaker 1 00:52:20 And it all came down, like you say, to scheduling. And, and I knew that I knew the answer to that question when I asked it before, cuz Mickey had mentioned it. Yeah. We talked one morning and he said it was that 40 minute changeover each way. And I guess with the forecast being sort of pretty weird where it was completely shithouse for four days and everyone knew it was gonna be shithouse and not running and then a good day before it and a couple of good days at the end, they, I, I guess they were distressed even though. Yeah. So I guess to get the box they need like in that 10 day forecast, instead of having five shithouse stay and five good days, they need like seven good days on paper. And then they've got more time, I guess. Don't they, Speaker 5 00:52:59 It would've been a, it would've been a dream, but that last day cuz the ways we were pumping over there. Yeah. So it would've been a dream to, um, have some heats over there it's um, Speaker 1 00:53:06 Yeah. Even that elimination day that I was on, it was a Saturday and it was elimination men's and then women's um, it was a bit unexpected. Like I don't think anyone's thought the box was really gonna be as consistent as it was. And it was quite consistent for two or three hours, but then like the box does, it just turns off so quickly. Yeah. You know, so I guess that's a fact you go all that way, set it all up, you get two or three hours, but by the same token mate, every time they have run at the box, the excitement and interest that it generates is, is just like yeah. Tenfold of, of Margie's, you Speaker 5 00:53:42 Know? Oh, we, I know you and I were messaging all through the week and I was Fring with the thought that we could potentially finish over there. Speaker 1 00:53:48 It was almost guaranteed. It's almost like on paper, it's like, would've, they're gonna do it. You know? Speaker 5 00:53:53 Yeah. And obviously just like I was mentioning 18 just to get through that 18 heats. I can imagine they're freaking I know. Um, I know we're pretty much half the, uh, WSL, the competitors and also the officials had to fly out that night as well. Yeah. So they're all booked on midnight flights and yeah, it would've been a, but it would've been a dream. Could you imagine a, a final that, well, that final, you know, Jack and John, could you imagine that? Yeah. Jack Robinson, John, John Flos at the box for Speaker 1 00:54:16 Final. It would've happen in the afternoon. Cause it tides too low. Yeah. You know, Speaker 5 00:54:18 So that's it. Yeah. So its almost like you probably Speaker 1 00:54:20 Quarter, what, what about crossover heats? I mean Margie's could easily handle four people out there. It's got inside, it's got outside, it's got wide ones, you know it's you could no, one's go on the left. But if it's a four, if it's four man crossover, you could easily be picking up some sixes on the left, which could be a good backup. Like was there any talk of that? Speaker 5 00:54:40 There was yeah. So, and we did it last year, so I know last year on the first or second day of competition, they actually got through 24 heats in a day. And so last year that just set up, set it up big time, you know, getting through that many heats. But unfortunately, um, they looked at doing it the second last day. So it would've been the Tuesday. They were really keen to do that and because massive day. Yeah. So, um, they ended up getting through the round of 32, so that was 16 heats, but they were hoping to potentially do it, uh, as a crossover heats then. But unfortunately it just wasn't um, that was, it was so big. Um, they were a bit bit concerned with safety and also, um, just opportunity for the guys. So they ended up making the heats longer. So they went to 35 minute heats. Oh yeah. And they allowed the, the guys just to do man on man. So, uh, but there was a lot of talk there and I think if it wasn't so crazy, like so, so big. Cause that was massive. That place, it Speaker 1 00:55:30 Was huge, huge. It was, it was 15 foot plus on those sets for sure. It was huge. Yeah. That was one of my highlights in that afternoon that, that bomb that Jack robo just striked, you know, I mean like I've surfed Margie's I haven't surfed it that big granted, but I've surfed it pretty solid. And mate, you fucking, and all the regulars you're on the biggest bloody boards out there to catch those waves and to see Jack robo, like that was just a monstrous set and yeah. And to pad in on a six, four. Yeah. Unbelievable. And to Bo to see that huge bottom turn, it was mate, it was, it was close to Y me size, you know? Yeah. And then he did that kick away that flyaway air, holy crap mate. He was to like, he was about, he was about 20 meters in the air. It was, I know. And he didn't get much for, for that wave, but I, I just loved that. He just packed it. He just sent it on that wave. You know, he, it was just the biggest wave of the comp probably he took off, he bought him turn and then just did a monster air out the back. And I dunno, I just fucking loved it. Yeah. You know, it was sick. That's amazing. Just showed that he was froing and, and he was keen and in the zone and I don't know, running Speaker 5 00:56:38 Of the pros a bit tentative that day. Um, not so much. And one, one thing, well, one thing I know with that day, sorry, is because a lot of guys were gonna get cut from that day and that's why they wanted to give him opportunity. Sorry, I didn't mention that before about the overlapping situation. Um, but yeah, no, the guys, um, yeah, no, the guys, you know, it's no doubt about it's freaking huge, but yeah. Didn't have anyone complaining or not wanting to serve or anything like that. They didn't, you know, to be fair, a lot of those guys had their careers on the line and those big days. So, Speaker 1 00:57:06 Um, yeah. That's interesting point. I know that was sort of a bit of a prerogative the whole way through that. Like if it wasn't, if the cut wasn't there, they maybe would've gone out on sent 'em out a few heats on an onshore day. Yeah, yeah. You're right. Because of the cut, they wanted to really give them the best opportunity Speaker 5 00:57:23 Is that right? Yeah. And that's why they didn't go for those crossovers. They really, uh, crossover heats. They really wanted to let the guys know and yeah, it made it really interesting. Like what we're talking before with the cut, every single heat counted, you know, every heat of that event. It was so interesting and you know, watching it all guys and girls that were on the cut line, like Sally Fitz, given how they're gonna come out and her first round, she was on fire, you know? And then unfortunately she got knocked out in the second one. So you think of someone, I looked at it, you had, um, Sally Fitz given, uh, conne coffin and uh, Morgan SI last year, we're in the top five, they're surfing at Trestles of the world title. Those three people are cut from the tour, all gone within six months of making final. Isn't it? So, but it's, um, it's pretty cool. And like with that cut, I was fortunate to catch up with a few of the guys one evening and they told me a few things about the cut, Speaker 1 00:58:11 Which is, tell us about it. Mickey Speaker 5 00:58:12 Mickey's Mickey's plow. Cut. Talk. Yeah. Yeah. So, oh no, it's pretty when they were telling me anyway, I was super interested about it. So at the moment, uh, what we've been watching, there's 70 heats. So an event has 47 men's heats and 23 female's heats. So 70 heats to get through with this cart, there's gonna be, we go from 70 heats for an event for males and females down to 46. So the men will have 31 heats and the females will have 15. So straight away you've lost. Um, what's say 24 heats, give us a draw, a breakdown Mickey. And um, we want the big change with it, uh, that the telling about which I wasn't aware until catching up and talking to him, um, at the moment. So if you round heat, the first heat, what they call the seating round, uh, it's a three person heat that still happens. But at the moment, if you finish first and second, you'll go through to round three. Um, uh, if you finish last in your heat, you're in that elimination round, what's gonna happen now it's the old system. So same deal. Three people surfing a heat. If you win the heat, you are fruit around three. If you finish second or third in that heat, you are straight away into an elimination thing. So it makes the first round really. Speaker 0 00:59:21 So winning, Speaker 5 00:59:22 You have to win. Yeah. Yeah. So there's a lot more, um, that, and obviously, yeah, they're gonna get through the, these events really quickly with that, but that was something I wasn't aware of the fact that they changed the little format and the way it was gonna run. Um, yeah. And obviously the other thing that's interesting about the card as well, that they announced during the event was obviously the, uh, Gabriel MENA getting a wildcard position. So he's gonna be, he's got a wildcard for this, the reigning events of this year and also for next year. So he's back on tour. So it'd be interesting to see how he, as a wildcard will get seated. Like if he's gonna get, cuz you know, let's face it. He's the current world champion does, is him as a wildcard. Is he gonna come against the number one seed? You know, it'd be interesting to see how they do that, that seeding for him. So that'd be Speaker 0 01:00:04 Interesting. So one thing I, I I've sort of, um, can't quite get my head around is that you got your media cut, but those that survived the cut now go to full year on tour. Speaker 5 01:00:17 That's right. Yeah. Speaker 0 01:00:18 So why not just have the cut at the end of the year? Like it was before? Speaker 5 01:00:21 Yeah. Well it it's interesting. So you're right. So if they, the people that made the cut at Margaret's and are on the tour of the rest of the year, straight away, they've got their position for next year. Um, and they, their thought pro well, there's just talking to 'em they're talking about a three tier. So basically here in Australia, so obviously everyone competes in Australia, the top 10 from regionals, from our regional, the top 10 get onto the challenger series. And the whole thought process they was saying is, um, people from Australia. So people that work like we're talking about Ben Spence before, obviously he has to work to get to these events and all that. So he's able to Speaker 1 01:00:53 Work as in work a normal job Speaker 5 01:00:54 To pay way someone like him. That's right. So him, instead of having to now go to say surfer QS at Brazil or something like that to qualify in Speaker 1 01:01:03 Europe and then America, just to try to get on, get into the prime Speaker 5 01:01:06 Events. Yeah. Challenger. So for that, they're kind of like done it so regional, so people can stay at home basically at the expenses, less for them. It also narrows the season down for 'em. So they've got the qualifying area. Um, and then basically they get through the challenges. So for like we're talking about the Australians, the top 10 will get through. And, um, the challenges here is it's pretty interesting. So there's eight events in that and the top five count their top five results from those eight events count. Um, and one really interesting thing about the challenges here is it's not seated. So 96 people are are in it. And, um, is that right? They're all, they all start at the same, same level. So Kelly Slater, you know, today at the event at snapper yesterday is surfing against, you know, guys that are just coming from their region. So, and Jack, Speaker 0 01:01:49 Jack row lost Speaker 5 01:01:50 <laugh>. Speaker 0 01:01:50 Yeah. So just confirm, even though the, the cut is midyear and they're reducing the number of surfers in the field after that point, there is still only one point of the year where surfers are a cut from the tour. And one point where surfers join the tour. Speaker 5 01:02:06 That's right. Yeah. So, Speaker 0 01:02:07 So they get cut midyear. They join at the end Speaker 5 01:02:09 Of the year. That's right. So someone like who, um, you take, for example, um, uh, say K coffin. He just, he didn't make the cut, uh, here at Margaret's he'll surf in the challenges series between now and the end of the year. And he can be back on tour in February next Speaker 0 01:02:22 Year. And he automatically going a spot and challenger series by, by missing the cart. Right? Speaker 5 01:02:27 Yeah. Um, that's right. And one thing, Speaker 1 01:02:29 Oh, that's interesting. Cuz obviously those guys aren't doing Speaker 5 01:02:32 Regionals, are they that's right. Yeah. So they, they get a spot. And one thing I didn't know that I just only found out a couple of days ago is part of their contract. If, if you are on the, on the tour, you actually have to compete in two events. So that's why you've got Jack and Kelly and all these guys competing in the challenger series at snapper. Now they have to compete in Speaker 1 01:02:50 It's part of their Speaker 5 01:02:51 Contract, part of tour of the events. Ah, Speaker 0 01:02:52 That, that explains why people aren't going straight to gland. Speaker 5 01:02:55 Yeah. Yep. So they've got so they're in the country, so I'll probably, Speaker 1 01:02:58 And that, that, and that right there, conspiracy theory is Jack through the heat cuz he's just getting the job done and he really just wants to go to gland and get piped. He misses is already in the mental towers, according to Sammy Morrow, Sam lightning Morrison and uh, yeah. Speaker 0 01:03:16 He's, it's our beat dog getting all the GOs for say Speaker 1 01:03:18 Tomorrow. Oh mate, he just makes it up. He doesn't give a fuck <laugh> yeah. You know, it's like, well all he, he doesn't, he doesn't need to worry about it. Yeah. Yeah. He's in the top five. Yeah. He's just quickly banging it out. Speaker 5 01:03:30 Plus be able to get, um, get snapper rocks of only three other people. He, that never happens so well Speaker 1 01:03:35 That's Speaker 5 01:03:35 Mate. I don't Speaker 1 01:03:37 Think he would throw it for the sake of going like mate, as you say, it's said snapper with three other people. Speaker 5 01:03:41 Yeah. He's competitive animal. Speaker 1 01:03:43 Yeah. It might have been small, but the forecast is there is swell. You know, winds are yep. Here, there are everywhere. But we all know from last two events forecast seems to mean fuck all really? Cause things change pretty quick and Speaker 0 01:03:55 Surfline I want my 50 bucks back, whatever it is. Exactly mate. Like your forecasts are fucking terrible. Seriously Speaker 1 01:04:00 Mate. All of anything past six days, you just, you just take with a pinch of salt don't you? But yeah. I don't think you would've chucked it cuz mate there's good chance. He'd just, you know, in three days time it could be four to five foot and, and firing like um, well Speaker 0 01:04:13 Still it's pretty fun. Speaker 5 01:04:14 Like four. Yeah, totally Speaker 0 01:04:15 Three foot. Yeah. Speaker 5 01:04:16 Yep. Another thing, um, that I found interesting about challenges series. So, um, there is two wildcards for the male and female. So obviously there's 94 people for the men's and no. Speaker 1 01:04:24 Oh wildcards for challenges series Speaker 5 01:04:25 There's two. Yeah. So there's two didn't even think about that. And that's the local and the other thing that's really interesting about CS, Speaker 1 01:04:30 Their points count. Speaker 5 01:04:31 Yeah. Will do. Absolutely. It's just like a wildcard. Um, someone gets a wildcard to a championship tour event. They don't Speaker 1 01:04:38 Don't the wild. I heard that the wildcard after the cut, their points don't count. Speaker 5 01:04:44 Oh, I haven't heard that. I Speaker 1 01:04:46 Heard that somewhere. I can't remember where I heard, but I heard that. Speaker 5 01:04:48 Okay. Speaker 1 01:04:49 Yeah. That the wild cards after the cart, their, their, their points don't count. So, Speaker 5 01:04:55 Oh, maybe that's you could be right there. Maybe that's why they've given Gabriel and med a wildcard for the rest of this year. And also for next year. That would explain why he's got one for 20, 23. Yeah. Because, so he's, if he Speaker 1 01:05:05 Doesn't, that'd weird, like he could win the world title, but technically doesn't qualify <laugh> I heard it from some, it must have been Speaker 0 01:05:13 Congratulations, Gabriel, you one and lost the world title in win first Speaker 5 01:05:18 <laugh>. And the other really interesting thing about the challenger series is if you win a challenger series event, um, as a defending champion, you get a spot in the next year's event. So whoever wins snapper this year. Oh yeah. The way I've read it in the rule book is whoever wins snapper this year, say if they don't do well in their regionals. Yeah. And they don't qualify. Oh yeah. Next year, cuz they've won it. Um, they straightaway get into the event, Speaker 1 01:05:39 Get into the event. Speaker 5 01:05:39 That's a, as a defending champion, that's a little advantage to win. Speaker 1 01:05:43 Say if they win that event again. But do they, how do they get into the next challenger series? Yeah, we just on the challenger series. Speaker 5 01:05:50 Well, I presume they'd obviously get points from that. So they would probably keep them mind. But yeah, obviously that's, that's just one interesting thing. I thought that's obviously a deep thing, but Speaker 1 01:05:57 There's a, there's a lot going on. There's a, a lot going on here. Yeah. Mate, Speaker 0 01:06:00 Its about rest. <laugh> a little lie down Speaker 1 01:06:03 Mate. Speaker 0 01:06:04 Listen to about surf podcast brought to you by cheeky monkey Forester date Speaker 1 01:06:08 Down south physio. Speaker 0 01:06:09 Down south physio in ag one. Yeah. We got Mickey Plowman in the she quarters today. He's away. I'm Namu as he's been Azzie Speaker 1 01:06:17 Yep. Speaker 0 01:06:17 TBOs and where were Speaker 1 01:06:18 We? T-bones got some serious fucking uh, what do you call it? Um, FOMO. FOMO. Yep. Jelly, jelly. FOMO. Yep. Yeah. He wants to be in on it, but um, no mate, look the whole cut thing. It's fucking had so much negative, um, press and, and that, but when you look at Speaker 0 01:06:36 Think I a fan except the people that didn't make it Speaker 1 01:06:38 Mate. Yeah. Mate, when you, when you're breaking it down and Mickey plows breaking it down, it is actually, it's a better system like with the regionals and people saving money and yeah. So, you know, you got the, or all their Brazos and the guys in us and Europe all just getting to stay local and then they go and then they don't like the challenger series. I agree with, uh, with the guys on the lip podcast were saying it was maybe better last year when there was less challenger series. Shouldn't be so like eight's a lot. Is it eight Mickey Speaker 5 01:07:08 Flower? Yeah. It's eight and they're um, yeah, eight, but they're best five counts. So, um, yeah, Speaker 0 01:07:13 Best five. And Speaker 1 01:07:14 Still with eight, you know like last year it was only three. Wasn't it challenger series. I think it Speaker 0 01:07:20 Was four Speaker 1 01:07:20 Could be wrong. Oh, maybe four. Yeah. Speaker 0 01:07:23 It's Speaker 1 01:07:23 Eight's a lot more, even if it's four, it's still double, you know, like, Speaker 0 01:07:27 Yes. Open, I Speaker 5 01:07:28 Guess, I guess one thing just thinking deeply about it. It gives people an opportunity like, um, if you were to get injured or if you went to a way to an event and obviously tested positively COVID or something and couldn't compete in that event, maybe they thought of that as just giving people more opportunity to, to compete and then, um, Speaker 1 01:07:41 But it, it comes down to that money thing, you know? Yeah. Like those guys on the challenge, challenges series, if they've gotta go to eight then obviously all of a sudden, especially at the moment where travel is a lot more expensive than it was four years ago. Like, you know, if you're chasing it, you're probably looking at throwing down 30 to 50 grand easier. Yeah. Speaker 0 01:08:00 Well, did you read that article on stub? There can 55,000 minimum to chase the challenges series. Speaker 1 01:08:05 Oh fuck. That was a pretty good guess by old Speaker 0 01:08:07 Fuck. Yeah. Well don't mate. You should, you should be a journalist. Speaker 1 01:08:10 I was <laugh> I did just throw down 30. That was um, probably more like, uh, like Mattie McGray make or break sleeping in the back of his highlights, like is yeah, he was and one of the Speaker 0 01:08:20 I've actually seen it. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:08:22 Yeah. So it goes to show, you know, uh, mate, speaking of Mattie McGray fucking great effort. He, he absolutely, he seems to surf well at Mar's it suits him. Yeah. Um, I, I had to surf with him, uh, prior to the event at, at one of my local favorites. He seemed like a nice enough chap. And uh, Speaker 0 01:08:39 He was he ripping, Speaker 1 01:08:40 Um, I couldn't tell cuz he was on the inside and yeah, taking the small ones. I was on the outside, but uh, just staring at their eyes and not catching any waves, but uh, no mate, he seems to surf really well and he saved his spot with a fantastic performance. Um, nice work man. Speaker 0 01:08:56 Him, you Speaker 1 01:08:56 Right at the, I think it was at the cost of Owen, right? Unfortunately that's right. Wasn't Speaker 5 01:09:00 It? Yeah. Yeah. So leading to that, I think it was the last day. That was the only thing that could happen if, um, Matt McGurk lost. Um, we just stayed on tour, but um, Matt McVey to his credit. Um, yeah, he ripped, he beat Cano. Karara uh, ELA. Ferre he beat him in the quarters. Speaker 1 01:09:14 Yeah. He surfs really well. ATS. Yeah. Madie Ooba I remember last year he had a, a really good event there too. Speaker 0 01:09:19 So how did he go down to in the end? Was that Speaker 5 01:09:21 Uh, he lost I'm pretty sure it was to John in the semi John. John, was it? Yeah, he was in the first semi. So he would've lost to John, John, and then Jack had to beat, I think Jordy Smith and the other semi Speaker 1 01:09:30 Mate. Tell us Speaker 0 01:09:31 Interesting before Speaker 5 01:09:32 You, oh sorry. Jack had to beat Speaker 0 01:09:33 Ethan Ewing. Sorry. Interesting point there with Mandy Gil McGray and Owen Wright. If I'm not mistaken, Manny McGray finished head of her own. Right. Last year they both didn't make her, but own Wright got granted the season wildcard and this time Manny McGray still finished in front of Owen Wright, but made the cut mm-hmm so probably, uh, we, the, the contributor to the rest of the CT, I would say bit of karma. Yeah. Well, nothing else own, right. But no, if you beat someone twice, you'd hope that at some point you'd get a, not above them. Wouldn't you? Yeah, Speaker 1 01:10:06 I guess. Um, but Speaker 5 01:10:07 It is ING. Like we talking about wildcards before, like how's that bar MiiR, the Hawaiian guy. So he got a wildcard into pipe. Yeah, absolutely killed it. Surf so well. And just Kelly it later got a buzzer Vita to beat him. Yeah. And then he got the wildcard into sunset the next week. Win sunset. And then so he's on tour for next year. So straight example of that, how wildcards can get Speaker 0 01:10:27 On he's only just, just missed QS, uh, when it was QS wasn't he qualifications. Yeah. So probably at some point he would've been on, on tour anyway, so. Oh good. He's made the most of his opportunity. Did Speaker 5 01:10:38 You guys get to see, uh, there's a movie that came out last year called snap four and he end up he's Speaker 1 01:10:44 Did anyone Speaker 5 01:10:44 Not say Speaker 1 01:10:45 See snap mate, if he didn't watch snap Speaker 5 01:10:47 Four Speaker 0 01:10:47 Last year. Yeah. Go watch it. Speaker 1 01:10:48 You're fucking well you're obviously you're not a surf fan because that was yeah. By far the best number one movie that came out Speaker 0 01:10:56 Last night and he, he, he, his score was higher than everyone else, but he was ineligible because he had, um, he footage that was already, um, out there. Speaker 5 01:11:05 Yeah. Yeah. I think you're right. So they, they weren't allowed to release any footage that was gonna be in the Speaker 1 01:11:09 Movie, but he couldn't help Speaker 5 01:11:10 Himself. Yeah. And he did, but he's like, fucking Speaker 1 01:11:11 Check this outta your guns. It's that good? Speaker 0 01:11:14 I, I can't sit on his footage just too good. Yeah. It Speaker 5 01:11:17 Guys, you just, yeah. Watch him just step pipe and back door. Just absolutely dominating. Then he's got that the air game as well. I think towards the end of that, he's edit he's in, um, int he's spin, Speaker 0 01:11:26 Spin, spin Speaker 5 01:11:27 Simpson. Yeah. So he's, he's incredible. That guy, Barry Mair. He's awesome. Speaker 0 01:11:31 Amazing. Yeah. It's um, I'm yeah. Ah, gotta take a shot. You got one chance, Speaker 1 01:11:38 Another great performance. That's Speaker 0 01:11:40 More than one chance. Speaker 1 01:11:41 Jas and Andre. Just fucking Speaker 0 01:11:43 You mate. Speaker 1 01:11:44 My mate, you know, Speaker 0 01:11:46 Um, still didn't qualify, but anyway. No. Um, Sorry. Sorry. He did qualify. Mom's that's I'll let out's Speaker 1 01:11:54 Huge performance to qualify. Same as man mcg, him and him and Matt McGray were Speaker 0 01:11:58 Probably the two couldn't journey, man. Biggest Speaker 1 01:12:00 Movers in the men's who just needed to get a big result. And did you know, Speaker 0 01:12:04 Do you know what? Jo's not think he Speaker 1 01:12:05 Beat Kelly didn't he? He Speaker 5 01:12:06 Did. Yeah. Not Kelly out. Yeah. Speaker 0 01:12:08 Yes. J is not scared. Speaker 1 01:12:10 No, no. Speaker 0 01:12:11 All he'll fucking take anything. That guy, he was one of the, one of the few surfers that, um, surf that day at cloud break. I had that heat, I think before it got like 20 foot, whatever. Oh, did he, uh, and was still back out there when it did get 20 foot? Not in the comp so yeah. Um, by the counts he said he was a nice black in the water too. Speaker 1 01:12:28 Yeah, he was a, yeah. He was a real good bloke. He, yeah. I, I dunno if you listened to another potty we did with a shed. Yeah. He stitched me up in you up in with a bit of comedy and I, Speaker 0 01:12:38 I loved it. The three oh fast. Yeah. <laugh> that's right. Fucking gold. Speaker 1 01:12:42 I was like, fuck, no, it was good. He stuck to it. You know, any good joke. You gotta stick to it for a good 30 seconds to make, you know, to really get him blind and sinker. You can't just pull the hook too quick. It'll it'll come out the side of the mouth, you know, you gotta, you gotta let the fish swallow it. No, you and I, I swallowed so no, it was good. <laugh> Speaker 0 01:12:59 I'm not gonna go there. Yeah. Now Mihi, I do want to hear your thoughts on a couple of things. Um, first one is Speaker 1 01:13:10 C belly's chop hop. Speaker 0 01:13:12 Well <laugh> any, any, uh, sort of, uh, controversial, um, little moments in the comp. Speaker 5 01:13:18 Um, there's a couple of close, close calls from the, um, there, there was a really close, um, heat between Conner, uh, coffin and Griffin colo Pinto. Yep. And, um, at the start of that heat, they were both jostling for position priority. Wasn't set. And they were actually both paddling for a wave and they were on the wrong side of the peak. So they were on where the left was breaking, trying to both go right. Uhhuh. And, uh, that was a real close call there because, um, what an interesting call, I should say because, uh, Griffin, col pillow stood up and then pulled back out and then con kept paddling. So in the rule books, if you stand up priority should go to the other person, but then con had the last paddle and there was all this controversy. And then, um, the priority judge was watching the replay and as he watched the replay, a guy surf the very next wave wasn't set. So that was a real talk about process about that one. Um, and that Elli one you were talking about was Speaker 0 01:14:07 About Griffin. Griffin got the night in the heat. He did. Speaker 5 01:14:10 Yeah. He got through it, uh, Griffin cold pit gone through Speaker 0 01:14:12 That kinds off tour after finishing in the top five last year. Speaker 5 01:14:15 Yeah. Yeah. And that was an interesting one. You mentioned about, um, uh, probably the biggest blow up I saw by a competitor was, um, probably him. He was kayak Coyo belly. Yeah. So he did that, that, that air. So he ended up still getting a seven for that wave. So he did a chop hop followed by the, um, or the alley. Oops, sorry, followed by the, uh, turn at the end. And as he was getting on the ski, um, our great friend, Chris bins was doing the beach commentary and kind of mentioned, Speaker 0 01:14:39 I know, I know bins he's up for a laugh. He wouldn't mind us talking about these. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:14:42 It's a fine line between an AlleyOOP and a chop hop, isn't Speaker 5 01:14:44 It? Yeah. Yeah. So Bensey did he, he's doing his job and he's talking to the, the thing everyone's watching the replay at surf's point from my understanding. And uh, Ben said, oh yeah, he's performed it. Great. He got the rotation and rah RA, but probably didn't get as much pop as sometimes you'll, you'll see a surfer get and Elli was on the jet ski and he must have heard him cuz he's cutting Speaker 1 01:15:02 Through the lagoon on the way back. Speaker 5 01:15:04 Yes. He's on the jet ski and he's looked up at the, uh, commentary thing and basically down the one, one hand, uh, salute type thing is it's Speaker 1 01:15:10 One finger salute Speaker 5 01:15:11 Thinking that it potentially might get his score put down. But um, yeah, that was an interesting one. That was probably the only blow up I'd seen by a surfer. Um, but yeah, no, it, it was all cool. Everything seemed to go really well. I know, um, at the start of every day and the end of every day, the head judge would do a talk to the guys, okay, this is what we're looking for today. Now I'll just talk about conditions. If it's big. And they analyze at the end of the day things they did really well and things that we've gotta keep monitoring and all that. But the probably the most interesting one was, um, the very first day where people started getting eliminated from the event. And basically the head judge said, look, the pressure's not on us, it's on the surface. They need to perform. So anyone that's sitting here feeling, um, having mixed feelings about ending people's careers today and these kind of things don't he said, it's up to them to perform our job remains the same. We're all about just getting the right scores. Yeah. And the right results. And that was really cool. It was cool to hear him say that Speaker 0 01:16:00 Good little coaches rev up there. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:16:02 The emotion out of it. Totally. Speaker 5 01:16:03 It Speaker 1 01:16:04 Was a lot of extra emotion in Speaker 5 01:16:06 Comp wasn't there. Totally. Yeah. Yeah. And um, yeah, it was amazing and yeah, it was yeah. Like you were saying, every heat counted and um, yeah. People were winning, losing, and yeah. It was pretty amazing to see, but yeah, it was really cool that to hear that kind of feedback and the way they speak and just say, yep. It's up to the surface to perform basically at the end of the day. Speaker 0 01:16:24 Okay. Nice. Um, and what about the other wasn't during the comp, but a fairly controversial moment with, um, a good friend, Jacob Wilcox, San what's his name? Ze. UMO. Ze. Lao. Speaker 1 01:16:38 Yeah. Look, I believe that T-bones not here, but he, he did, uh, send in a request Speaker 0 01:16:43 Yeah. For Speaker 1 01:16:44 His Clive Speaker 0 01:16:45 Clive pharma Speaker 1 01:16:45 Cup, Clive pharma cup. Yep. And Andy, Steve Irwin salute, uh, relating to this situation. So, Speaker 0 01:16:52 Uh, was there any talk about in the judge's booth or was it just like none of our business or? Uh, Speaker 5 01:16:56 No. So that happened, um, in the free surf before one of the days. Yeah. Yeah. It was interesting. So like those, um, so obviously as we mentioned in the past, so the judges have a, a camera guy, a camera operator in the judging tower. So he films from their perspective and during the free surf at the start, he'll just keep rolling it. So we we'll be sitting in the judging tower Speaker 1 01:17:13 Surfers warming up the cameraman's warming up. Speaker 5 01:17:15 Yeah. Yeah. And it it's really cool. So if, if guy rips wave at the, um, in the warmup before we will watch the replays to get everyone, so the judges will get there 30 minutes before the day minimum and judges Speaker 1 01:17:24 Are warming up, everyone's Speaker 5 01:17:25 Warming up and they're watching it. So they're watching the suss out the best sets and these kind of things. And um, yeah. So if a guy rips a wave or a girl rips a wave in that preheat, well pre-event surf, um, we'll watch the replays and all that. And that was obviously, yeah. I remember just walking in the, um, I walked into the judging tower and everyone kind of like glued to the TV screen and I watching the replay of that cause pretty, um, pretty, yeah, pretty heavy obviously. Yeah. So, um, it was a bit, I know that was the most talked about thing on the contest site that particular day and uh, yeah. <laugh> so it was pretty heavy, but yeah, obviously, um, Speaker 0 01:17:57 No sanction talked about or anything for that? Speaker 5 01:17:59 Not that I know, obviously there is things like fines, those kind of things that can be implemented. I don't know. Obviously it's yeah. I, I dunno if anything came from that Speaker 0 01:18:07 Was that kid in that regional, in maybe central America who kicked his board out, got banned from a couple of events Speaker 1 01:18:13 That was in a heat Speaker 0 01:18:13 Though. It was in a heat. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Speaker 5 01:18:16 It wouldn't wouldn't surprise me. They're all on like a, um, a, like a WhatsApp tech thread. So if they're gonna put the event on hold, it wouldn't have surprised me if the tour commission said, Hey guys, this is, this is not on, you know, they might have potentially, I'm not saying this definitely happened, but you know, they're really good. And, um, and that's how the surface can communicate as well. So if they wanna, um, question a result or something, they they'll send that a message to the tour, to, um, commissioner, which is, uh, hiker. And he's the one that comes in and talks to the, um, the head judge about things they can usually quash, uh, a situation straightaway. But, um, yeah, they definitely I'm, I'm positive. They would've potentially spoke to him about, but they can do things like fines and need and suspension. Uh, definitely if, if that happened where, um, Jacob was injured, they could definitely, um, suspended, um, Ze. They've got that in the rule book that someone could be Speaker 1 01:19:00 Suspended. Well, I mean, for those that don't know, uh, it was the warmup and from all reports, uh, yeah. Uh, Jacob, uh, took off deeper than Zeke Zeke dropped in on him. Zeke was claiming Jacob snaked him. Jacob's claiming I'm a local, you know, I get priority if Speaker 0 01:19:21 This was, he wasn't claiming that at all. Oh, wasn't he? No, he was saying, I'd waited my turn for that wave. Okay. What he was saying about I'm a local is that if this had happened in Hawaii yeah. I would've been chased off the island Speaker 1 01:19:33 That's right. You know, and Speaker 0 01:19:34 There was nothing, nothing to do with the waiting for the wave or snake or anything. It Speaker 1 01:19:38 Just, yeah. And, um, so T-bones nominated, uh, Zeke Lao for the Clive Palmer cup. Yes. For being a CU basically. And, um, flicking his board and dropping in and all the rest of it. Oh, well. And then he's, and then he's, won't get, Speaker 0 01:19:50 I don't think, but anyway. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:19:51 And then he's, uh, and then he's, he's um, nominated Jacob Wilco for, uh, for the Steve Irwin salute for just being, for standing up for himself. Obviously, you know, he came out on stab mag and said, Zeke's a bully in the water. Uh he's obviously, you know, the old school, Hawaiian strong guy and mate Jake, Jacob was a strong young lad. Yeah. And he wasn't scared and he's not stepping down. And he had a valid point. If that was, the roles were reversed and it was in Hawaii, mate, Jacob could be, be in the shit big time percent. But over here, everyone's pretty happy and friendly in Australia. And Jacob just went, mate, look, I'm not gonna make a thing of it, but I'm standing my ground. You know, like Speaker 0 01:20:33 If he wants to come over chat with about it, I'm right here. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:20:35 Right. He said, he said, uh, if he wants to come and chat to me, he goes, I'm happy to send him my location, GPS styles. I like that. It Speaker 0 01:20:43 Was like, it's a pretty modern way to do things. Speaker 1 01:20:45 I was about say yeah. As a modern take on an old situation. I, I, it wasn't like meet me Speaker 0 01:20:49 Behind. I drop a pin. Speaker 1 01:20:50 Yeah. It was like, meet me behind the bike shit after school. It's like, here's my GPS location. And we can get it, get it, make it happen on Google, Google maps, you know, like, so that was cool. Obviously nothing's happen. Speaker 0 01:21:03 Fight with their robots. And Speaker 1 01:21:04 Yeah, it's just good that Jacob stood up for it and made he's a local and he, and he's our best local. So he should command some respect out there. Speaker 0 01:21:11 Ah, hundred percent. I mean the Hawaiians, um, expect it. Speaker 1 01:21:16 Yeah. It's all Speaker 0 01:21:17 They should expect. They should expect the respect. Speaker 1 01:21:19 We've got no problem. No, one's got any issues with the respect Speaker 0 01:21:21 In Hawaii. People should also respect when they come here, you know, and I think it just goes everywhere. You surf, you respect the locals and you are, as you paddle out, you say goodbye and have a big smile in your face. And that goes a long way to getting a few waves and showing respect. So just, Speaker 1 01:21:36 Just like, just like, you know, these guys paddle out at, you know, peppers at two koalas on a two foot day, they need to show respect to that. That, you know, he's one of the big dogs out there on those days. <laugh> Speaker 0 01:21:49 Fuck. Hell, he's tired. Me the brush there. Speaker 1 01:21:53 Sorry mate. Speaker 5 01:21:54 The other thing that was dogged about, I'm sure everyone's saying it went pretty viral. Was the, um, obviously they got the fisheries boat out there. It was like a 60. Speaker 1 01:22:01 Oh yeah. Fuck Speaker 5 01:22:02 That huge. And then that big day, I think it was the second day of competition, which just absolutely massive. And that Speaker 1 01:22:06 List again, that again, two massive days. Yeah. Speaker 5 01:22:09 And they had to basically put the engines on and just get out there and uh, yeah. To see that going up the Speaker 0 01:22:14 Face, they'd gone and eat a bigger boat, 12 Speaker 5 01:22:16 To 15 foot wave or whatever it was. And just, uh, that was pretty incredible watch. We're all, uh, freaking out watching that. So that went through the replay hundreds of times and that Speaker 1 01:22:23 Went viral mate. So Speaker 0 01:22:24 They get their moments at Mars. Don't they? That was that one this year. And then you kind of coughing with the dolphins at the box. Yeah. Couple years back. And yeah. What Johnny Mars, what Speaker 1 01:22:33 Does, what's the point of that fishery's boat. Yeah. Like, I mean, you got the, you got like six jet skis, which are running crew around, obviously, you know, primarily they're ferrying surfers, but it's Speaker 0 01:22:46 More than that is now they're eight, eight or sorry. Yeah. Speaker 5 01:22:49 Yeah. Speaker 1 01:22:49 But they're also, yeah, that's pretty spotting in the line, but it's not like the fish. I mean, there's a drone going a lot. Yeah. Yeah. Is that, is that fishery's boat running that drone or is that someone else on land? I mean, obviously everyone's connected with walkie talkies, but like if we, we know why fisheries Speaker 5 01:23:07 Are the Speaker 1 01:23:07 Question mate. Yeah. Know, <laugh> we know why fisheries is there technically. Right. But they're out in the fucking channel. Like there's every chance that a shark could come in from south side or from straight west and mate, like, unless it's swings away for the channels Speaker 5 01:23:23 In the Speaker 1 01:23:23 Reef and yeah. Like, unless it swims under the fisheries boat, like, do you, can you give us some insight there, Mickey? Yeah. Speaker 5 01:23:29 Yeah. So in, um, so the way it kind of works is, um, one of those jet skis drivers is kind of assigned to basically first aid and safety and all that kind of stuff. So they've all the, all the jet skis out there. Um, they've got things that they have to do. So there's always two that will do the, um, obviously taking the surfers back to the, the point. So they're basically doing the dropoffs and all that kind of stuff. There's usually one with, um, the commentator. So one assigned to that. So obviously, um, <inaudible> or whoever, uh, Strater was Luki, whoever it is they'll do that, but there is a jet ski that's kind of to my understanding that's associated with safety. And that, that includes obviously shark assistance with that boat. Yeah. So in the judging tower, there's two guys that work for fisheries and they're in there and they're basically sit at a screen, they monitor and they're watching a drone. So I believe the drone is driven from someone on that boat. Oh right. To my understanding, I could have that wrong. It could be someone from lamb, Speaker 1 01:24:19 But, and that is happen to use that footage as a bonus for the reap playback. But it's, it's more so for fishery sharks. Speaker 5 01:24:28 Yeah. So they do that and they, um, so they do that. So they've got two guys that watch it, so little things and they, they don't only just do, they've got multiple drones and they also do things like, uh, they' checking out south sides, making sure the free purpose were safe. So the last thing they want is during the event, someone getting taken at the ah, Maui. Yeah. And the same with the box, they'd go over and check the box and it's pretty good. They're really onto it. So if they see obviously it's salmon season at the moment, if they see any form of, um, thing, they'll get the, the drones straight onto it. Um, there was a situation that probably wasn't people aren't aware of the very first day we ran the event was women's there's second heat. I know Bronte was in it, there was a shark spot in the lineup in that that heat was it. Speaker 5 01:25:06 So what they do is the head judge will straightaway monitor it. They'll get on the walkie talkie with the, um, the guys on the jet skis, the skis will go into that area and they just make sure it's safe. So they look at the size of the shark. Yeah. Also where it's traveling. So on this one, it came through the lineup. It actually was swimming away from the surfers. Okay. So little things like that, obviously, if it's a different story where it's coming straight through the lineup or towards the surfers, that's when they'll pull him in and Speaker 1 01:25:27 It's four meter Thumper. Speaker 5 01:25:28 Yeah. Yeah. So a couple Speaker 1 01:25:29 Does is Mick fanning on that boat when they see that, send him over the edge to get in there and stuff with some boxing gloves on <laugh>, Speaker 5 01:25:36 But there was a, he, Speaker 1 01:25:37 Is that fucking Speaker 5 01:25:38 Good? It must have been two years ago. I think, um, colo and Dino and Philippe Toledo actually had to the jet skis had to go in and they had to get him out. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. And, um, yeah. And so I know with that boat, it's huge. Um, if it's flat, they'll stay there at the night, but if it's not, and they'll swell the whole time, they'll actually come up to canal rocks and that's where they'll mow the boat. So that, Speaker 1 01:25:58 Yeah. I heard that they were driving all the way up here. Um, someone told me Buso and I was like, surely not, you know, like it's such a huge thing, almost close to a Augusta, wouldn't it, man. It's right in the middle. But, uh, and, and, and you, you were some we're talking about it and um, and we're like, well, why wouldn't they just anchor up overnight? And the point came up that they have the engines running all day long, but because of rogue set waves that they need to shoot over. So they need to refuel at the end of the day, you know? And that's, that's part of the, the deal. So, um, yeah, it's a big mission for 'em. It would be expensive. Speaker 5 01:26:36 Yeah. And it's part of like, obviously with the license to run that particular event, that's part of it. And so all our events, all criteria. Yeah. Yeah. So here in wa all our events, you know, you've got water patrol Australia, that's aunt man and Perry hatchet. So they're at all our events, you know, obviously she just monitoring sharks Speaker 1 01:26:51 And aunt man could punch a shit out of a shark. I'm sure of Speaker 5 01:26:54 It, but so, yeah, so they do an awesome job and it's um, yeah. Part of it. Um, one thing that was really, really cool. Um, they announced just prior to the event that the Mike river pro has it's license been extended by three Speaker 1 01:27:06 Years. Oh yeah. I remember you telling me that one. Speaker 5 01:27:08 Yes. That's awesome. So for us, you know, obviously it's the best time, best thing in the, the world for our surfers watching the world's best compete in our, our local area. So they've, yeah. It's Speaker 1 01:27:16 Awesome. Speaker 5 01:27:17 It's great news. So, uh, that's with wa tourism, um, they've obviously WFL have worked well with them and we've got another three years guaranteed at the pro running, which is great Speaker 1 01:27:26 Well mates. Um, that brings me to one of my Steve Irwins. I don't know if we wanna do with Steve now. Um, H how long we've been going there. Namo Speaker 5 01:27:37 Yeah, let's move on to Steve Ellen, Speaker 1 01:27:39 Unless you have you got any more real critical points? You wanna bring up with the comp there? Speaker 5 01:27:43 I think we've gone through it. Yeah. That's it's all good, mate. Yeah. Five farmer, Speaker 1 01:27:47 Obviously. Well, look, obviously before we, I guess, I mean, all our stuff, it's, it's a Margaret river review. Uh, it's our local comp, so we are way more in depth than normal. So even our CLS and Steve's are probably connected as T-bone pointed out to the comp. So it's not like we're veering away from it. But, um, mate, what Mickey plow was saying, that was one of my Steve Irwin salutes was the wa government for being hands down, probably the most reliable, I mean, I don't know facts and figures, but it would seem that they're the most reliable sponsor in the last, what, eight or nine years in a fluctuating surf industry. Mate, we w wa government they've got coin, mate. We, we, you know, on the back of mining, boom, this, that, and the other, like mate, we've got the money and it's not like you're relying on a, a surf label or something. Yep. Mate, it's a wa government going fucking oath. We've got the money, come on down, bring the big show. You got the horn, you might as well blow it. Yeah. And there's exactly, and Speaker 5 01:28:48 There's a lot to it and sorry, but, but, um, just on that, like, I know people like Mark Lane a few years ago, he flew all the way over to Trestles, um, when the event was on. Yeah. Um, just to meet with the WSL to try and keep this event going and started. Yeah. Right. Just little things like people don't know about. So he flew all the way to California, just hoping to get a meeting and to keep the event going. Yeah. Obviously when we had, um, <inaudible> a few years ago when we actually had to cancel the event due to sharks and stuff. Yeah. And they had to finish up at Indo. Speaker 1 01:29:15 I was involved in that one, Speaker 5 01:29:16 So. Oh, really? Speaker 1 01:29:17 So yeah. Yeah. I was in the water for that one, as in I'm gonna Speaker 5 01:29:20 Lefthanders situation Speaker 1 01:29:22 Or, uh, no, the one before, which was yeah. The in the morning. Yeah. I'm gonna tell that story one day. I'm barrel SoPo I haven't told it yet, but I will tell it's a, it's an interesting tale. Shout out to Alex travel, who I did bump into in the comp actually. And he was down there enjoying himself and yeah, Speaker 0 01:29:37 How's he arm Speaker 1 01:29:38 He's he's made a, a great recovery. Yep. And I actually had a surf with him on Anza day. Nice. And, uh, at the same location where the shark tried to kill him, so, yeah. Okay. But I will tell that story one day, um, in detailed version, but, um, yeah. So, sorry, mate. We got derailed there. Speaker 5 01:29:54 Oh yeah, yeah, no, I was just gonna say so that's definitely, um, huge, thanks to, well done to surfing wa yeah. For Andrew getting back after that. Yeah. So it was looking like we're gonna lose the event. Speaker 1 01:30:02 And then there was also a lot of noise Speaker 0 01:30:04 Stuff. The other days, a nice chap. Speaker 5 01:30:05 He's a beautiful bloke. Yeah. Here Speaker 1 01:30:07 Mate. There was a lot of noise sort of just before John, John started his dominance at Margie's Speaker 0 01:30:13 Boring wave. Speaker 1 01:30:14 Yeah. Boring wave it's far it's speed road, this and that. And then John, John, just put it back on the map and go, Hey, there's nothing boring about this. Like, fucking look what he's doing. You know, if you guys can't do that, then you are not up to speed. Yep. So he was a massive part of it. Um, obviously the WSL were just like, fuck, these are, these guys have got money over here. We are definitely coming back because it's making our life easier. Um, yeah. Oh, and that brings me back to the Steve Irwin that wa government, like you said, they've just re-signed for three years. But one thing, uh, that I got informed, uh, about despite being completely fucking sideways at the, um, that's well, life show at the beer farm Kelly Slaters he announced that, um, they do, they did reinvest for three years, but part of their stipulation cut, it had to be the cut competition for the next three years. Speaker 1 01:31:14 So not only did they renew it for three years, which you'd told me, Kelly said they'd renew it. But part of the contract was, it has to be the comp that has the midyear cut. Yeah. Okay. And, and that's obviously coming down to wa going, we got the coin. Yep. We want to, you know, and, and w L going, fuck. Yeah, you got the coin <laugh> yeah. Well, and, and they're going, we wanted to make it the cut and, and make look what happened this year at the comp it was so much interest and emotion and it really sick Speaker 0 01:31:43 Comp. Yeah. Now I know before you go on there, I know Mickey had something that you wanted to Speaker 5 01:31:47 Oh yeah. Just without what we were talking about with, um, w a tourism, the WSL actually love Mars because it's one of the only events or the only event they don't have to put money into. So from what I, what I've been told. Yeah. Like they literally, it's all put on via the w west Australian tourism. Exactly. Speaker 1 01:32:03 The five nominated wa government. It's Steve Speaker 0 01:32:05 Guy. All right. Mickey, have you got a Steve Slee nomination? Speaker 5 01:32:09 Yeah. Yeah. I've got a couple. So Jeff, definitely. You've gotta have two. Yeah, definitely. Everyone involved. It's so awesome. Um, it's so awesome and exciting having this event on. So definitely everyone involved, the WSL and surfing wa and everyone that made it possible. And, um, even like you talked about, uh, catering before how good the catering is, that's all the that's good. Grab all grab. And that's all done by the, uh, the crew at the Margaret river hotel. So the, the pub there, oh, is Speaker 0 01:32:31 It they've Speaker 5 01:32:32 Taken on the license? I didn't Speaker 1 01:32:33 Get food poisoning. And I ate a lot of food in one day. I had two breakfasts and maybe two lunches, Speaker 0 01:32:38 11 Z's Speaker 5 01:32:40 <laugh>. But I did wanna give a Steve and salute to a local surfer and his friend, cuz um, I had a situation a few months ago, um, where things could have gone very south and um, there's a little bit of story to it. I'm driving home from work. My phone goes off and it's my friend, rod Rogers and rod had been building a house down Speaker 0 01:32:57 Here, Rodney Rogers, Speaker 5 01:32:58 Yelling up board. Great name anyway. So rod had been building a house for about Speaker 0 01:33:01 I'd just like to say, sorry, I hit you twice in the last board. I just caught Rodney <laugh> I really didn't mean to in the time, but get outta the fucking way mate hit Speaker 1 01:33:09 Him as in will Smith's slap or Speaker 0 01:33:11 No with my board. Oh, okay. Yeah. He's a big boy. He knows about it. <laugh> made him, I made him bleed. Made him bleed. Sorry. So yeah, so Speaker 5 01:33:19 He rings me and he goes, oh yeah, yeah. Good news. Um, good news Mickey I've I've I've got the keys. I'm in my house. I said, you're kidding me. Your house is ready to go. And he goes, yeah, everything's done. We've just gotta get the driveway concrete on Monday. But other than that, we've got the keys we're in. He goes, do you wanna catch up for a surf tomorrow? I said, mate, I'd love to gotta surf. I've gotta do the early cause I've got the kids, you know, I've got family duties and all that I've been away. So I'm just gonna go out for the, the dark one. He goes, no worries. So we arranged to meet up. I go down to this car park. There's only one car in the car park. It's the same make and model as his car. Same color, same sticker placement. Same everything. I go like beauty rods here. I then same Speaker 1 01:33:56 Sticker place. Speaker 5 01:33:57 Yeah. Speaker 0 01:33:57 Like this, except it was Robby rods. Not Rodney rod. Yeah, Speaker 5 01:34:00 It was. So the stickers Speaker 1 01:34:01 Barreled surf on car sticker on his window, Speaker 5 01:34:03 Stickers on the back of the car. Same, make same model, same color stickers, same everything, same sticker placement. So I'm going, let go, mate. It's rod. So I'm going here. Beauty. Rod's here. So I'll get in a wetsuit and I walk down the area, jump in the car anyway, it's a freezing cold morning. So I see a tall guy with a hoodie on, which I think is rod and next to him is someone slightly smaller and dinner, which I think is his partners like little beauty. And I went to Korean senior high school where ding was a big thing. So, uh, anyways, just Speaker 1 01:34:33 For those who dunno, ding is the art of running up behind someone and pulling their, Speaker 5 01:34:36 Pull their pants, pants in, pants Speaker 0 01:34:37 Down. You are kidding me. I know where it is going. Yes. Speaker 5 01:34:40 So I've got new little beauty. So I'll snuck up behind, put my surfboard down, snuck up behind Rodney, grabbed a firm, hot grass of his tracky pants and proceeded to pull them down. And then as I'm pulling it down, <laugh> who I think is his partner looks at me and it's a man <laugh> and then who I think is rod looks at me and he is a bearded gentleman. I'd seen him the surf before, but never spoken to. And I've realized I've just DED, a complete stranger Speaker 1 01:35:05 <laugh> Speaker 5 01:35:07 And anyway, I look at him and go, oh, how's the surf looking? <laugh> He kind of like, he, uh, we'd had seen each other in the water. And then, um, I said, oh look, I'm really sorry, mate. I'm gonna grab my board and go, go Speaker 1 01:35:19 Second. <laugh> Speaker 5 01:35:20 So I go out there. That's hilarious. Speaker 0 01:35:22 Say, I thought you were somewhere Speaker 5 01:35:23 Else. Oh, I just, I was in the world of her. I honestly thought I was gonna cop, um, punches from not only him, but also his friend that was watching the surf as well. He fair. Cool. So I, I, I paddle out the surf. I got my towel between my legs and um, he paddles out and he made a bit of a joke of it and all that kinda stuff. And ever since that we've been quite good friends. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:35:39 That's that's the sort of thing that can really start a friendship Speaker 0 01:35:42 If it or the other way. Yeah. Speaker 5 01:35:44 Yeah. In anyway, it gets better. So I start talking, talking to him. I go, I I'm so sorry mate. I thought you were this guy. You've got the exactly same color. You Speaker 1 01:35:53 Got the exact same ass, same Speaker 5 01:35:54 Stick place all. And he's having a joke going, oh mate, you know, you should have asked me for dinner before you were gonna play <laugh> he was really cool about it. We started talking and so we start talking, I mate, what by chance, what do you do for yourself? And he goes, oh, I'm a concrete guess who was concrete in Rodney's house on the Monday morning. Oh no. Speaker 1 01:36:10 Was Speaker 5 01:36:10 It so anyway, so, so long, I know I've gone a bit, but to stodgy who just turned 50 and his friend, Paul, thank you so much for not bashing me up a couple of months ago. <laugh> and we've got a great friendship now. So yeah. So, uh, yeah. Speaker 0 01:36:24 Dodgy is Speaker 5 01:36:25 That Speaker 0 01:36:25 He's not dodgy stodgy, is it? You know, Speaker 5 01:36:27 It's DOD. So he's 15. Yeah. Us. Sorry. Just turned 50. Speaker 1 01:36:31 Yeah, but he's got buns like a 15 year old. <laugh> Speaker 5 01:36:33 He's a great contractor from all herd. And if you wanna check him out guys, go on Instagram at a yelling up concrete. Speaker 0 01:36:39 Ronnie doesn't know why his whole pad is just completely cracked Speaker 1 01:36:43 <laugh> Speaker 5 01:36:43 And then, and then ironically, they'll they obviously on the Monday they'll having a chat about it. Oh man. Speaker 1 01:36:48 That's a good one. Speaker 5 01:36:49 So yeah. So huge. Thanks to stodgy for not bashing the daylights out of me. Yeah. I appreciate Speaker 0 01:36:53 That. It's stodgy fucking legend story. Speaker 5 01:36:55 And he listens to barrel podcast. He's a huge fan of you guys. He bought tickets to the live show. He loves you guys. So I know he'll be listening to this, so no way. Thanks, dodgy. You greatly Speaker 0 01:37:04 Appreciate it. Stodgy. Speaker 5 01:37:05 Has that happened to you guys? You ever D someone and uh, no Speaker 0 01:37:08 Or not? Speaker 5 01:37:09 No. Can I tell you a story? Another story about, Speaker 0 01:37:12 I dunno if we want story. Speaker 5 01:37:13 All right. The funniest one that's ever happened happened. Um, obviously we all grew up in Perth and Thursday nights were massive. Uh, Thursday night at Karen up shopping center. It was huge. It's the epi theater. Oh yeah. It was huge. Anyway, so mark pot, Mark Potter, pot who, uh, goofy foot a surfer at trig point, he used to be a trick point, tic president and all that kind of stuff. Cameraman, uh, yoga instructor. Really cool. Laidback kind of guy anyway. He's at the food hall and he thinks he's seen Paul Anderson from behind and who he thinks is Paul Anderson has just got a food tray. So both his shouts Speaker 1 01:37:44 Of holy Paul Anderson, a mutual friend who was a, was a young ripper back in the day from, from trig point. And, uh, yeah. Comes and goes in the down south region Speaker 5 01:37:53 And Ando, Paul Anderson went to Korean senior high school. And so he was, he was the worst der in history. So he, he, Speaker 1 01:37:59 He was the top Speaker 5 01:38:00 Der. He, he knew that many people were after him. He told me, um, he'd never, ever wore pants. That couldn't be Dak. So he'd always make sure he had a belt on his cuz he knew that many people wanted get him back anyway. So pot, he probably did pots and pots wanted to get him back. Anyway, they carry up shopping center. This poor guy has got his food. He's holding one of those food trays pots has got, oh, beauty. There's Ando. I'm gonna get him, goes Speaker 1 01:38:21 Up. There's no hold no in your pants. When you got a food train, your hands is there. Speaker 5 01:38:25 Anyway. So he sneaks up behind food, thinks his Ando Speaker 1 01:38:28 Families and women and children Speaker 5 01:38:30 Grabs his, um, grabs his tracky duckies. But when he grabs his tracky duckies, he's also wearing boxes underneath. Oh. So instead of just taking the tracksuit pants down, he's taking the whole thing. So he's completely D so pots of snuck up behind him, grabs a hold of his trackies, pulled it completely down, count up food, food hall, the place parked Thursday, Speaker 1 01:38:51 Crispy Chinese noodles are flying everywhere. People, Speaker 5 01:38:54 People everywhere. So pots has pulled his pants down and they are, the boxes have come down with it and he reckon the next thing you know, he just saw the meat and two edge just pop out. <laugh> in front of everyone. The guy looks around. He's nothing. He can do the pool, holding a food tray. So he can't even pull his pants back up. Speaker 1 01:39:12 <laugh> Speaker 5 01:39:12 Anyway, the guy looks at him, Speaker 0 01:39:13 Get those for us. Will you pots and Speaker 5 01:39:14 Pot pots realize it's not him. <laugh> and pots has got the most softest, relaxed voice you've ever heard. And pots just looks at him and goes, oh, I'm sorry mate. I thought you were someone else. <laugh> Speaker 1 01:39:27 Thursday, late night shopping. Right mate. Speaker 5 01:39:30 So the poor guy was on show to, can I Speaker 1 01:39:31 Grab your, did he pull him back up or what did he do or did he go, do you want me to hold your tray while you pull it back up? Or did, did he just run off? Speaker 5 01:39:38 Like Speaker 1 01:39:39 What Speaker 5 01:39:39 Do you do? Yeah, that was funny. It was classic. Yeah. So, uh, you Speaker 1 01:39:42 Could grab his food tray and then run off and it like, well, you know, seriously, Speaker 0 01:39:47 Well, you have it part two of the decking decathlon Speaker 1 01:39:50 <laugh> with Speaker 0 01:39:50 Mickey Plowman, part three in the next episode of barrel surf podcast, Speaker 1 01:39:55 Mate. I know one thing for sure. Next time I go, uh, surfing with Mickey Plowman and, and Paul Ando Anderson. I'll be, uh, I'll be tightening the cord on my tracky decks. That's Speaker 0 01:40:03 For sure, mate. I'll be wearing jeans with a belt. Don't don't even worry about that. Yeah. Okay. I've Speaker 5 01:40:08 Got stage for, I'm never decking anyone after that experience, I'll tell you. <laugh> I'm done my career's over Speaker 0 01:40:13 <laugh>. I am. Yeah, I haven't, since I was, uh, at green high school. Um, alright, so I have got a Steve, Steve ever asleep. Speaker 1 01:40:22 I got one more Steve. So you slip on in. All Speaker 0 01:40:24 Right. Well, Speaker 1 01:40:25 Cause I only did Speaker 0 01:40:25 One talking with decking. Um, so my Steve sleep goes to every single person that was involved either there in the audience serving drinks or everything else, the talent, the surfers, Speaker 1 01:40:38 Or even Steve just drinking free Speaker 0 01:40:40 Drinks at ain't that swell. Oh, ain't Speaker 1 01:40:41 That Speaker 0 01:40:42 Live live down the road. It was the fucking sickest night. So much fun. Everybody was absolutely buckled. Raging, raging buckled up the surfers on the stage we buckled, uh, later we'll special later on. Um, Speaker 1 01:40:57 Well it didn't help that they told us that it started at three. Yeah. So we all got there at two when it really started at Speaker 0 01:41:03 First, maybe the Clive, the Clive Palm should go to the scheduling paper cuz it was yeah. Three hours later, whatever. But um, such min day wasn't as if we had, we had just an absolute ball there you are belted out a, uh, couple of limes to the crew on the microphone. And uh, did you win a prize? You didn't win the prize didn't Speaker 1 01:41:20 You? No, I won't. Fuck all. Yeah. But uh, but you did win. I won the adulation. Speaker 0 01:41:23 You won the kudo through the crowd. I Speaker 1 01:41:25 Won't yet. That's all I wanted. Speaker 0 01:41:26 Yes. Yep. Very much fun. Um, Speaker 1 01:41:28 It was super fun. Yep. Um, mate, it's funny you say that. Cuz my second, uh, Steve Irwin salute is actually to Kelly Slater, Speaker 0 01:41:37 Kelly Speaker 1 01:41:38 Mate for obviously just Robert being the greatest of all the greats. Um, but in particular, on that night in mention ain't that swell, we all know he's not a big drinker. He's at the beer farm. You know, he was sipping on a glass of red. He was by far the main attraction of the evening. There was a couple of hundred strong crowd of totally drunk Aussies, just flaring off their tits blaring. Um, but mate, when he spoke, everyone was quiet. They showed him a lot of respect. Yeah. Um, and he was just mate, he was on form. He was funny. He was articulate. He Speaker 0 01:42:15 Was very engaging. Speaker 1 01:42:16 Oh mate. He was fucking unreal. He was it just, yeah, it was fucking awesome. But what I would like to nominate him for the Steve is at the end of the night mate, he hung around for like easy an hour. Yep. Just standing and front the stage, just taking photos with everyone, signing everyone, having a chat, like no one full, well that 90% mate, I saw the guy. I, I was, I talked to him as well and my mates were talking to him and fuck, there were three sheets to the wind. You know what it's like when you're sober and you've just got completely drunk dudes just telling, talking shit. But mate, he just did it gracefully. He gave everyone the time of day, even though they were totally pissed and you know, people were saying just, yeah, stupid shit, but nothing bad, but just, you know, drunk and shit. But mate, he just was just such a great ambassador Speaker 0 01:43:05 Roll punches. Speaker 1 01:43:06 Yeah. He rolled with the punches and mate just, I was just like, fuck, the guy could have easily have just split done like two or three minutes and like, fuck him out outta here. All these drunken Aussies are going mad, but he didn't, he just stayed there mate. So fucking Steve Kelly Slater. He's our greatest, he's the best am Speaker 0 01:43:23 Goat face. You could ever hope for goat goat face. Good on your and Speaker 1 01:43:26 He was fucking, he was on form Speaker 0 01:43:27 And look out for a little snippet of an interview that ads he did with him coming up shortly on ER podcast. Yep. Looking forward to that. Speaker 1 01:43:34 And that's yeah. And that's the other thing like he just down at the comp he just, he just gives everyone the time of day. Like he's everyone wants a piece of him. Yeah. You Speaker 0 01:43:40 Know like, well it must be hard being the most successful surfer in the history of the sport. Speaker 1 01:43:44 Yeah. Everyone, you know, but he just, he just cruises along and mate, he's just a genuinely nice dude. I Speaker 0 01:43:50 Reckon. Yeah. To be, Speaker 1 01:43:51 Yeah. It's fucking cool. Mm-hmm so yep. Steve Owen salute to the goat. Yeah. Speaker 0 01:43:55 Do we have any, uh, cl Palmers? Speaker 1 01:43:58 Uh, yeah. I've got one. Speaker 0 01:43:59 Okay. Go add it. Uh, now this is uh, the Clive Palmer cup for the biggest tool or otherwise in saving or otherwise Speaker 1 01:44:06 David silver, the Brazilian David silver for the last heat of the day on the very big day. On the Tuesday afternoon, it was freaking huge. It was after Jack robo just packed that monster. Um, not cone, but just that huge wave and bottom turn and big air made David silver paddled out. And he was shitting bricks, mate, if there was one person that was shitting bricks, you said that no one complained about it Mickey, but I'm I'm tipping. That guy was complaining. Cuz he was so scared. There was the Brazilian storm was halfway down the steps. It was last head of the day. They were just constantly whistling and given the double hands I'm motioning, like bring it in, bring it in, bring it in. He saw a set for the horizon. He paddled out to get over it and he just never came back. <laugh> he never came back and it's Speaker 0 01:44:57 Like, look, Fisher's about, about to come pick up Fisher. Speaker 1 01:44:59 Madagascar was like, mate, he, he, he crapped himself. He didn't even catch a wave. He, he got a 0.1, three total. He needed to make the heat to make the cut. Yeah. And I think it was just, I think it's just that he needed to make the heat to make the cut. He didn't have the balls to take off on a 15 footer. So I don't think he should make the cut. That's just the way I see it. Like, uh, you know, it's a no mate. It is what it is. It's like the old school back in the day when they'd run a comp the Smirnoff pro in Hawaii. And if you're too scared to paddle out, then maybe you shouldn't be paddling out Speaker 0 01:45:33 And Gary Green. Speaker 1 01:45:34 Yeah, exactly. So Speaker 0 01:45:35 Didn't get out there. Bobby bang got out there and then packed the dart when he got back Speaker 1 01:45:39 To T-One would've fucking had a go. He would've, he might not have done any big turns, but he would've taken off on one or he would've taken off it, Speaker 0 01:45:45 Mate. Hey loves that big. Speaker 1 01:45:47 He fucking loves it mate. T-bone he would've taken, he would've taken off. He wouldn't have done anything special, but he would've done better than David silver. And if you are gonna kid yourself that you are in the top 20 in the world, you've gotta be able to take off at 15 foot. Margie's that's just the rule. So I Speaker 5 01:46:02 Know, um, when I left the contest that day, um, I was with one Speaker 1 01:46:05 Of, he was still out the back somewhere. Speaker 5 01:46:07 I was with one of the, with one of the, um, guys, when we were talking about that, um, situation. And um, he actually mentioned to me, he didn't know if he was sick or anything. And the reason why he said that to me was cuz every year when the judges are in Hawaii, they, they have a house straight out the front of the sunset. So that's where they stay. And when the sunset's event's on, they actually judge from their balcony. That's uh, where they judge from anyway. Yeah. So anyway, so they're there every year. So they watch it. And um, one of the guys was telling me, um, last year they had a, or sorry, this year, um, they had a massive swell, like where guys are surfing wine I'm here. Don't Speaker 1 01:46:39 Ruin my Clive farmer cup Speaker 5 01:46:40 Here. I know. I know. I'm just saying you're about Speaker 1 01:46:41 To shoot it down. Speaker 5 01:46:42 Aren't you to a certain degree. Yeah. Like they're, they're actually telling me he powdered out on Speaker 0 01:46:46 The day voice risen. Speaker 5 01:46:48 Yeah. They, they were telling me Johnny Farham one particular day. He paddled out at sunset and they reckon it was gigantic, like massive. And he actually lost his board. And um, so his board got watched in, but they couldn't find him. And he actually got taken up all the way. Um, I think backyards or boneyards whatever it is. Some fucked up thing. Yeah. Yeah. And they, they said to his credit paddled out that day and where most people were surfing wine ear and places like that. So yeah. Right. But just on high Speaker 0 01:47:12 That SCARD him. So that's why he was no Speaker 1 01:47:14 Dunno. So maybe, Speaker 5 01:47:15 Well the guy, the guy, Speaker 1 01:47:16 Maybe he went around for collo Hayes for dinner the night before. Is Speaker 5 01:47:18 That what you're saying? The guy actually said to me, he goes, I don't know if he was sick, uh, or if what was going on or Speaker 1 01:47:23 If he was to shit himself. Yeah. Speaker 5 01:47:25 He, Speaker 1 01:47:25 You don't know if he was Speaker 0 01:47:26 Sick or shit himself because he ate Chloe's kitchen. Yeah. It Speaker 1 01:47:29 Was, there was some sort of sickness in there could have just been that his asshole was sick or his stomach was sick. It could have been anything, Speaker 0 01:47:37 Had some bad Brazilian barbecue that I fall. And that was it. Speaker 1 01:47:41 That's Speaker 5 01:47:43 Yeah. Yeah. He, Speaker 1 01:47:43 Um, so you reckon, you reckon he is packed it before? Speaker 5 01:47:46 Yeah. Yeah. He definitely, they, they were telling me, they've seen him surf really big. Obviously they watch sunset all day, every day and they've seen him seem him charge out there. So, Speaker 1 01:47:52 Well, I don't care. I'm still running with a theory, but he was, he was scared. You want that story? It makes you proud to be a west Aussie from down south that some pro got scared at, at your local, you know, like, Speaker 0 01:48:03 Yeah, no, it's good. It's good. Uh, Speaker 1 01:48:05 No, just for the record. I would've been fucking scared. It was pretty bloody big, but uh, Speaker 0 01:48:10 You've been out there though. Speaker 1 01:48:11 I would have, I would like to think I would've been on a nine, seven. You'd be out there to be honest, like not a six one, but Speaker 0 01:48:17 Uh, I would've seen no reason to be. I I've surf marks that big when I was younger, but I wouldn't have been out there now. No chance. Uh, Mickey plow. Have you got a Clive plumber cup? Speaker 1 01:48:27 Can Mr. Nice. Yeah. Bring himself. Speaker 0 01:48:29 You don't have to, to Speaker 1 01:48:30 Just rip in, into someone unashamedly. Speaker 5 01:48:33 Yeah. Um, no everything's going pretty good. I'll probably just, I'll just probably give it to myself. A decking stodgy. A couple of them <laugh> couple of weeks ago. Sorry. Speaker 0 01:48:41 Stodgy. Stop beating yourself over that mate. Stodgy is okay with that. Speaker 5 01:48:45 Yeah, you're all good. But um, there is, I know, um, obviously yourself, Adam and T-bone, who's not here tonight. Oh, Speaker 1 01:48:50 You just nominating me and TBO Speaker 5 01:48:51 Nominated. I'm definitely not. Nominat me. You Speaker 1 01:48:53 Got, we do to you mate. Speaker 5 01:48:54 You guys are quite close to it, obviously your partners, but what's going on at the moment. I know you guys have spoke about in length, but that's something, you know, it's 20, 22. I can't get my head around. What's going on. Oh yeah. In the whole Ukraine situation. So Vladimir Putin definitely deserves one. He's outta there. Yeah. He's got, looks like Speaker 0 01:49:10 He's got there. He is with a, Speaker 1 01:49:11 Yeah. We, we printed out a picture of him and took him out the, the rifle range and just, uh, that rip with a few there, you guys, few rounds. Speaker 5 01:49:17 Yeah. That is, that is one situation, you know, it's 20, 22 and it's Speaker 1 01:49:21 It crazy it be beyond that. Yeah. Speaker 5 01:49:22 Unbelievable. So that's yeah, I can't get my head around that. So anyway, that's probably my Speaker 0 01:49:26 Fault. Yeah, that's a good one. Um, what's now similar, similar theme actually after the, uh, that swell I 40th to go to, which is why I left earlier. Didn't have a chat with the crew. Um, and it's got it's on that violence scene. We, we had a, a bit of a violence situation with, um, couple of complete losers at a local bar in town. And, um, mate of mine was half pushed, half shoved, um, out in the car part with his hands in his pockets. So not shaping up nothing. Um, and yeah, he got not to the ground, hit his head pretty badly on the concrete, um, this guy I'm I fucking hope he doesn't listen to barrel surf podcasts if you do stop listening, cuz you're a fucking K um, yeah, just yeah, just completely uncalled for in front of his wife. Um, couple of other ambulance Speaker 1 01:50:21 And the whole bit, Hey, like Speaker 0 01:50:22 Ambulance police, the full witness statements and all the rest of it. So absolutely no need for it. Just uh, yeah, I mean he was drunk and he was drunk and being a happy fool and probably did a couple of stupid things, but this absolutely no need to behave like that by putting someone on the ground and hitting them, hitting their head pretty badly drink Speaker 1 01:50:40 10 beers. I just, Speaker 0 01:50:42 CT scan makes me happy. That's bust possible. And all the rest of that is, yeah, it's just not on. So yeah, if you can't handle alcohol, don't drink it simple as that. Um, or yeah, something else I won't go into that happened that night in, in, in regards to that. Cause it's Mickey under police. Yeah. Mickey plan and D police investigation is ongoing. So if you're gonna go out, you're going out to have fun, have fun, be happy, have a smile in your face. Mm that's that's the simple as that. So yeah. So I guess the, uh, Clive home cup this week goes to violence in general. Speaker 1 01:51:14 Yeah. I've got one more tongue and cheek Clive. I don't like to do. Okay mate two, but uh, mate, friend of the podcast, Speaker 0 01:51:21 Friend of the potty mate, Speaker 1 01:51:23 Our one, one of our great hopes of Australian surfing. Speaker 0 01:51:26 Who's that Speaker 1 01:51:27 Jacko baker, Speaker 0 01:51:28 Jacko baker Speaker 1 01:51:29 For knocking out fucking Jacob Wilcox in the challenger series of snappy, oy gone in the last fucking minute and a Speaker 0 01:51:36 Half. Chip's gone. Speaker 1 01:51:37 Chip' straight out, man. Damn it. Fucking first round. Speaker 0 01:51:40 You should be in gland Jacko for fuck sake. <laugh> Speaker 1 01:51:44 It's uh, you know, we love Jacko. Um, well, I mean I should nominate the other dude Noah. Oh no, it wasn't even, no, it was some, I don't, I'm not sure what his name was. N N something or other goofy footer. He was gone bloody crazy. Actually he looked Speaker 0 01:51:58 Like Nolan opposer. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:51:59 Guy. Yeah. Something like that. Crazy fucking hell. It was pretty electric. Uh, so he won the heat and, and Jacko had the best score and um, yeah. And then with a minute to go, got, got the second backup score and, and that put, uh, Chipo, Wilcos down into third and I mean, I guess there's seven more to go. So, um, yeah, you know, it's a long road, but it certainly wasn't the fucking start that, that Jacob was after. So Speaker 0 01:52:24 No, you got Speaker 1 01:52:25 Jacob, come on son. You could have somehow wrangled that heat better to make you, Speaker 0 01:52:31 He had some tank outta these challenges series event you're doing well. Cause I think there's something like 50 out of 80, um, of the top hundred surfers or whatever that doesn't make sense 50 of the top 80 in the world or whatever it is. So if you're gonna get good result there. Good on you. Um, Speaker 1 01:52:48 But we love Jacko. Speaker 0 01:52:49 Yeah, of course we do. Yeah. He's he's fucking legend. He's a fucking legend. Jacob Baco such. That's the funny Bastar. Um, alright. We are gonna wrap this one up shortly before we do any final words. Uh, Adam Kennedy. Speaker 1 01:53:02 Nah, bring on some more autumn swells. Yeah. Um, yep. Hopefully we can all score a bit more. Looks like we've got a cold first cold front of the season coming in a few days. Yeah. First proper one bit of rain Speaker 0 01:53:13 Do the north and all the rest of it. Speaker 1 01:53:14 Yep. So hopefully it'll clear up and we, um, yeah, we get a few, few more, uh, good autumn swells before winter really settles in. Speaker 0 01:53:22 Yeah. That's it. Uh, Mickey Plowman. Thanks so much for joining us today again on barrel set podcast. I don't think I've asked you be, can I be Lyft home? Speaker 5 01:53:29 <laugh> absolutely. Mate. Yep. No drive Speaker 0 01:53:31 As all Steve for that. Uh, any, any last words before we sign Speaker 5 01:53:36 Off? Uh, yeah. Yeah. Just a couple of things. Um, probably need to mention is obviously, um, I know we spoke about before you went on, is the new apple, um, world surf tour make break break. Yeah. So that's one thing if you're a Forer of surfing, definitely check that out. Um, Speaker 1 01:53:50 I just canceled Stan last night and swapped for apple swap TV cuz I'm just like yeah, fucking yeah, bring it on. Speaker 5 01:53:56 So I'm just gonna mention that that's really cool. There's seven episodes. I know. Um, Friday during the market river pro there was a lay day and the Brazilian storm got released on the Friday and the Brazilians all got together and watched from episode one to seven. Did they in the day they, what they did for a whole day, they went through it. Um, episode number five. I'm pretty sure it is, is on Fe Toledo mostly. And that's got some really good Margaret river footage. Oh. When he won here. So definitely check that out. And I guess from a judging point of view that obviously we've been talking about the head judges are actually wired up. So you'll, if you watch this series, you actually hear the guys talking. Speaker 1 01:54:30 Um, yeah, there was a lot of that exchanges, judging room, um, footage in there, which was pretty cool. Speaker 5 01:54:35 Yeah. And nice. And the head judge Bemo, um, who we spoke about previously, he doesn't really do interviews and stuff. Um, uh, but he does, he speaks really well about what, you know, the judges are looking for and uh, this kind of stuff. So it's a really cool behind the scenes thing and definitely worth, um, checking out and you get a month for not, I don't obviously work for apple, but you get a month for free a Speaker 0 01:54:54 Month, Speaker 1 01:54:54 A last yeah. Sign up for a month free. I'm like it's month out in two days. And I, Speaker 0 01:54:59 I thought it was a week, so that's good a month. Speaker 5 01:55:00 Awesome. Speaker 0 01:55:01 A month all joining up tonight. Speaker 5 01:55:03 And the other, the other one, just one thing, obviously we're all talking about tour and we love it. Um, one thing that's happened this year, obviously they've started instead of starting at snapper, they've started at pipe in February. And the feedback from the tour is, uh, through the roof. They reckon ratings and everything. Yeah. Starting in February and obviously with pipe being unbelievable and Kelly Slater wing it, uh, they reckon that's here to stay here Speaker 1 01:55:23 Cause that's second season. Yeah. Cause obviously you're always a season behind on, on make or break the same as the Netflix drive to survive. It's a season behind him and mate I drive to survive is one of Speaker 0 01:55:34 My that's so good. Speaker 1 01:55:35 Favorite things that that's actually what means Steve? The burnout king did after our big day at VR being down at Margaret river, we came home and just got blitzed and sat on the couch and watched drives to survived for about four hours cuz we love it. And yeah, it's awesome to see. Speaker 0 01:55:49 It's a really good show. Yeah, Speaker 1 01:55:50 It is. It's awesome to see that same, same crew, same formula. Speaker 0 01:55:54 Now did I hear a rumor that you had to sign a um, what was that a Speaker 1 01:56:01 Red Speaker 0 01:56:01 Bull. Some sort of waiver from Speaker 1 01:56:03 Yeah I Speaker 0 01:56:03 Did. Yeah. From the make or break crew down at, Speaker 1 01:56:06 I have no idea who it was. I was three sheets to the wind. Someone maybe signed Speaker 0 01:56:09 Something, someone goes, Hey, Azzie sign this. It's probably a fans making you sign a autograph fans. Speaker 1 01:56:16 I may have may Speaker 0 01:56:17 Not fast fan autograph. Speaker 1 01:56:18 He made me sign something. I think it was a red Speaker 0 01:56:20 Bull. Ah, you said it media release a release form. Speaker 1 01:56:22 Yeah. Met red bull Remedi release or something may or may not have shared a fatty with him straight after I signed said documents <laugh> could not have, might not have happened at all. Speaker 0 01:56:33 Mate. You got the whole of the Southwest high that, that night I think. Um, and well, I must, I must mention wasn't just you, I was fully involved with doing that as well. Medic Al mate got yeah. Well I got script these days. If you're microdosing, you know you're doing it right. Um, alright. Mickey, anything else before you? No, that's it. Yeah. Thanks having on guys. Awesome to talk Speaker 1 01:56:54 Guys. Good to have you back Speaker 0 01:56:56 Passionate about, did you see Mickey at that 40th that I was talking about? Not the other 40th one, the night four, I was saying to Mickey that his episode is, uh, the highest download most popular, most downloaded show we've ever done. So it Speaker 1 01:57:09 Goes, Mickey listened to it 3000 times in, Speaker 0 01:57:12 He goes whole family. Hey, everybody in my whole family listen is 10, 20 times. <laugh> um, yeah, no. See what thanks for coming on Mickey. It's been a fucking pleasure. Thanks. We haven't had back Speaker 1 01:57:22 Here Mickey. See what he's he's a casual Speaker 0 01:57:24 Record. He's unofficial fourth member of the, uh, podcast team. Yep. Um, and as you been Azzie and thanks for your shed, we always love it. NAMI here. Thanks for listen podcast catch next time.

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